Hello Captain,
Welcome aboard our houseboats.
We will do our best to make your stay unforgettable.

Please take the time to read this CAPTAIN’S HANDBOOK, you will find a lot of useful information and tips. It is the result of our personal experiences, the feedback given by our clients over the years and is constantly updated.

In our CAPTAIN’S HANDBOOK you will find all the information about itineraries, timetables of locks and swing bridges, the tide calendar and the possibility to view the weather and much more.
However, if we have forgotten a detail or if something is unclear, please do not hesitate to ask us.

Your suggestions and experiences are always welcome!

Our team will be happy to help you.
We wish you a wonderful trip with Rendez vous Fantasia!


OFFICE: (0039) 0415510400
Number also enabled for WhatsApp instant messaging
From Monday to Saturday, from 9:00 to 12:30 and from 15:00 to 18:00

The following numbers are to be used only in cases of EXTREME URGENCY:
LAURA: (0039) 3205720465
Seven days a week from 8:00 to 12:30 and from 14:00 to 18:00

After 18:00 send an SMS or leave a message on the answering machine. Your message or call will be answered the following morning.

If the problem to your boat still allows you to sail, repairing are done only on dry land (eg. Fusina, Portegrandi, Cavallino). The technician will agree with you a meeting point.


Useful numbers








The boat must be free between 8.30 and 9.00 am on the last day. Prepare your luggage and if necessary clean it on time.
Please respect the times.
Thank you.

Only possible by prior agreement. The boat must be free between 16.00 and 18.00. After this time the return will be postponed to Monday morning between 08.30 and 09.00.

If you choose to return the boat before scheduled time (e.g. for personal reasons), please inform the base in time. The base is not open outside the departure days.

In case of a late return, the base may charge you with a half or a full day of your hire price.

• enter the canals of Venice, Giudecca, Murano, Burano, Torcello and Lido. These islands can only be circumnavigated;
• in the above named islands, moor in makeshift or unauthorized places;
• navigate at night, with bad weather and at sea to unauthorized boats.
No insurance will cover any fines, forced removal of the boat and recoveries of boats drifting for navigation at risk. 

• to send away all boats not belonging to Rendez vous Fantasia and Locaboat from our private moorings in Burano and Le Vignole (unauthorized boats: Le Boat and all other boats);
• to contact, if necessary: POLICE (113) and CARABINIERI (112).

• place the garbage in the appropriate bins;
• keep the animals on a leash;
• keep clothing appropriate to the place where you are;
• avoid disturbing noises and respect rest times, close to inhabited areas or boats.

• it is recommended to check the weather forecast and in particular the wind forecast. Here are some links where you can check: ; meteoam ; windy ;
• boats are delivered with a full diesel tank (autonomy for more than 40 hours of navigation). In case of need you can contact the base BEFORE fueling. We will give you information on where and how to do it. If we are not contacted or contacted later, you will not be entitled to any refund;
• technical and repair interventions, except in the case of non-operation of the engine, are made on the mainland (no islands). Fusina and Portegrandi are the closest places to the islands of the lagoon;
• toilet unclogging interventions, and repair of the bow thruster are subject to payment;
• losses, damage to the terrace and sundeck due to collisions with bridges and locks, removal and detachment from sandbanks and damage to the propeller are NOT covered by any insurance.

For the boats P.1020FB, E.400, E.600:

Please remember that it is obligatory in order of the Italian legislative decree n. 171/2005 to keep in the boat and to show to the police force in case of checking, the location contract that You subscribed with Your travel agency.

Referring to the ORDINANCE number 93/2007 Magistrato alle Acque:

– The navigation in the lagoon canals must take place with a distance of at least 3 meters from the briccoles and from the signalling groups.

– No mooring and no stop nearby: briccoles, bollards, signalling groups, and bank not organised for mooring.

– The navigation in shallow water or outside the navigable canals is forbidden.

– All the sailor must reduce the speed of the boat until the minimum to contain the undulatory motion and avoid danger situations nearby yards in progress or during the meet of small boats, rowing boats, full boats, medical transports, funeral transports and in general boats with emergency/alarm system in use (source of light and acoustic).

– All the sailor must reduce the speed of the boat nearby islands, banks and shoals, sandbanks, to avoid possible damages and erosion owing to the undulatory motion adopting a general speed limit of 7 (seven) kilometres/hour where there aren’t indicate other limits.

– The alteration and the tampering of the banks (naturals and artificials) through: mooring and/or anchorage, camping activity are forbidden.

– It’s forbidden mooring and/or dock to the wharfs reserved for the vehicles of the public services;
It’s necessary maintain an adequate distance to not camper the manoeuvres of the vehicles of the public services.

– It’s necessary take always great care and follow the speed limits indicated.

Any insurance covers incidentals sanctions come from the transgression of the above-mentioned articles.

  1. The water level in the lagoon and in its canals (not regulated by locks) is subjected to tidal variations. Tidal range is about 1 meter and it is very important to keep this measure in mind while mooring your boat. Precautions to take:
    a. Check the depth of water before mooring in order to avoid to run aground with the low tide;
    b. Leave your ropes loose enough to let your boat free to wave according with tides.
    c. Set fenders properly to defend your boat both with high and low tide. If you do not have any tide calendar on board, estimate the tide trend looking to the seaweed on the mooring piles/walls.

  2. The Venice Lagoon can be navigated only in specific areas of the canals, marked by wooden poles or bollards named “BRICCOLE” (in English: Dolphin). Pay attention and look for the entrance to the canal; it is marked by a particular kind of bollard, called DAMA, composed by several poles together, one of them is 70 cm higher than the others. The correct side to take during the navigation is clearly numbered and there are white boards visible on the bollard posts. Keep 5-20 meters distance from bollards.
  3. Swell can be sometimes very strong in the lagoon; that is why it’s always better to moor in safe and sheltered places. Docks are the only possible moorings in Venice (San Giorgio and Sant’Elena are the coziest). It is absolutely forbidden to navigate the Grand Canal in Venice and the Gran Canal in Murano. With perfect weather conditions and calm water it is possible (only for authorized boats) to navigate along the coast between 500 and 1500 m. distance.
  4. Our boats are equipped with engines 40HP and the cruising speed is around 7 knots/hour. Considering the limited power of our engines, we advise you not to navigate if the wind and the water current are particularly strong (with the exception of the Tip Top L model which is equipped with 80HP). If navigation is strictly necessary, despite the bad weather conditions, we want to remind you that manoeuvring is easier if against the tide. If you are in narrow canals or where there is not enough room and you have to moor downstream, it is better to do the manoeuvre by hand.
    Draw slowly the bow of your boat up to the bank, search for a hold with the boathook, keep the boat in position also fixing a rope if it can help you and let the stream to turn the boat around till it is alongside the bank. If you wish to stay fix ropes to land. To leave against the tide, let the moorings go, push the boat away from the bank by using the boathooks you have on board and accelerate. To leave downstream but with the bow against the tide, cast the ropes at bow off and push the boat away from the bank; let the current of water to turn the boat as you wish and loose the ropes at stern. Wait until the boat is in the ideal position to leave, cast quickly the ropes off and accelerate forward.
  5. While you are waiting
    • To pass the locks: remember to turn the engine off, you will prevent obstructing the filters of the cooling system by the mud coming from the emptying of the lock chambers.
    • To pass the swing bridges: if you are downstream, keep far enough from the bridge (at least 50 meters) to avoid to end up crosswise under the bridge. Start the engine only when the bridge is completely open and give power.
  6. If for inattention or any other circumstances, you get stuck in the mud you have to behave as follow:
    The first thing to do is to put the engine in neutral and check that water is emitted from the exhaust pipe on the stern to make sure the engine cooling system is still working. No panic. While backing off is usually the skipper’s first instinct, it is not the best solution! Try to figure out what you hit, how deeply you’re bedded, and if the hull has been compromised. Check tide tables to determine the next high tide and if the tide is rising it is better to stay and wait for high tide; if tide is decreasing: try to find a solution to get out the sandbank quickly. Remember that generally it is easier to get out from where you get in. So try to turn the boat around 180 degrees. If possible, go over the side and push the boat to turn it, otherwise you can throw and pull anchor several times and turn the boat little by little. Ask for help to the boats passing next to you, someone could give you a yank, than throw a rope to your helper and fix it to the bollard at bow.

“Chioggia, Venice, Islands of the Lagoon and return to Chioggia”.

It is the most beautiful and immediate, ideal for a cruise of just few days. It is an essential connection also for other itineraries. Bicycles are recommended but not strictly necessary.

From Chioggia to Venice it takes around 3 hours of navigation; you have to cross the inlets of Chioggia and Malamocco on the Venice Lagoon, and to sail along the islands of Pellestrina and of Alberoni. Along the way you can stop for a short visit to the villages, for a walk, or for a swim on the nearby beaches. In Ca’ Roman (on the left side of the landing stage of “vaporetto” waterbus, briccola n. 200); in Pellestrina you can moor in the moorings of the Restaurant da Celeste in front of the police station, briccola 139 (mandatory lunch/dinner), or after “da Celeste” Restaurant in front of the Sant’Antonio church, moor alongside the dock with mooring rings (English mooring), in Portosecco opposite briccola 53 (nearby the restaurant “Da Memo”, before the petrol station); in Alberoni in a small public marina opposite briccola 25 (right after the landing stage of the ferryboat, ideal also to stay overnight). For all those who love the lonely places we advise drop anchor in the Canal Poveglia, at south/west of the homonymous island. From Malamocco navigate through the wide and panoramic canal of S. Spirito in direction of Venice. Thirty minutes more and you are in the Basin of San Marco.

Attention: By the inlet of Malamocco on the Lagoon, you can choose to turn left and to reach Fusina navigating the wide Canal of Malamocco/Marghera. Possible connection to itinerary “Brenta Canal”.

Attention: Venice can be partially circumnavigated, by going through Canale della Giudecca, Basin of San Marco, Canale delle Navi, Canale dei Marani, In Venice it is absolutely forbidden to moor in any no-authorized place even if just for a short stop. Nevertheless you can ask for hospitality (under payment of a fee) in one of the following equipped marinas: Darsena San Giorgio, on the homonymous island, in front of the San Marco Square (breathtaking panoramic view); Diporto Velico Veneziano, on the island of S. Elena, only 15 minutes walking from San Marco Square.

Attention: The RVF has some mooring places in Island “Le Vignole”; they are free for the RVF and Locaboat customers. They are ideal to stay overnight. Check out the “Vignole Mooring” section.

You can reach the island “Le Vignole” navigating the Canal of San Nicolò towards the inlet of Lido, follow the coast of the island “La Certosa” on your left, on your right side there is Lido of Venice with the ferryboat stop. Go on towards the fortress of Sant’Andrea. The entrance to the canal is on your left side between La Certosa and the fortress. Pay attention and keep the right side of the bollards “briccole”. More or less 100 meters and at the triple junction take the middle canal. Go on for about 400 meters, on your left side you will find after the first four moorings belonging to other companies, our private mooring place, marked with our logo. A row of 15 poles, 4/5/6 meters far one from the other. The other boats, of RVF and Locaboat will be authorized to moor alongside the first, make sure your fenders are well placed and treat your neighbours kindly, especially when you have to cross their boat to reach the bank.
About halfway down our mooring, on the ground, near the path that leads into the island, you will find a blue-coloured manhol. Lift the lid and inside you will find our water dispenser. Look for the nearest mooring so that you can easily fill up with water, using the hose in your possession. Please don’t forget to close it after use. Thank you.

Attention: In the Canal Le Vignole, close to the chapel with fountain, you will find a wooden bridge, it is impossible to pass under. Directly in front of the church, by the opposite bank, the water is really shallow, do not get near this area.

From here there is a regular water bus service (vaporetto) to Murano and to Venice (every 60 minutes, run time 20 minutes). The one way ticket costs about Euro 9,50/person. We advise you to take a 24 hours ticket that is about Euro 25,00/person, 48 hours ticket is about Euro 35,00/person and 72 hours ticket is about Euro 45,00/person (Euro 33,00/person for 3 days juniors). (*)

From here, all next movements will be fast, from island to island it takes about 30-50 minutes.
To leave Le Vignole it is better to turn back, navigating in the same canal by which you entered, then take the Canale delle Navi. Again to the right, navigate along the Canal Bissa, cross the Canal of S. Erasmo and coast the homonyms island along the canal Passaora. It should be easy to find a mooring place on this island that is devoted to horticulture. If you have time, have a walk or a bike-ride; the place is ideal to do jogging: the periplus of the island is approximately 7 km long. There is a bar/trattoria “Dai Tedeschi” (near the Massimiliana tower) with a beautiful panoramic view over the inlet.
Continue the navigation to reach the islands of Burano, Torcello and San Francesco del Deserto. Between 10:00 and 17:00 these islands are crowded of tourists. That is why it is better to visit them after 5 pm. It will be easier to find a place to moor and the ambience will be much more authentic, people will be kind.

Attention: The RVF set out some mooring places in Burano; they are free of charge for the clients RVF and Locaboat but they are not always so quiet to spend the night. Check out the “Burano Mooring” section.

In Burano you can come from north, east and south, circumnavigating the island anticlockwise. If you come from west, coast the southern part of the Island of Mazzorbo. Along the green dock, there are other small moorings, with at least three poles each, marked with our logo.
In Burano you can shop and you can choose among numerous restaurants. It is considered to be the most beautiful island of the Lagoon. We recommend the morning fish market and the friendly atmosphere of via Galuppi with its stands of famous laces. The bright colours of its houses and the harmonious layout of its structure will further enhance your mood.

Attention (to moor in Mazzorbo): understand the direction of the water stream before starting maneuvering the boat. In favor of current avoid getting near the wooden bridge between Mazzorbo/Burano. Manoeuvre the boat at least 30 meters far away from the bridge. Get with the prow near the mooring, hook a pole, wait until the water current does the rest.

San Francesco del Deserto is the quietest and the most romantic island of the Lagoon, it is the ideal place to cook and eat on board and to spend the night. The fountain gives off the water very slowly. There is just a monastery on this island and it is open to visit just a few hours a day; early in the morning on openings time it is better (from 9:00 to 11:00 and from 15:00 to 17:00, close on Monday). Moor on the left side of the narrow canal.
Torcello, precious archaeological site in a poignant solitude – the cathedral of S. Maria Assunta and the church of S. Fosca are testimonies of the Venetian-Byzantine style. There are several restaurants, one of them is the famous “Locanda Cipriani”
The Canal Torcello on the north/east of the homonymous island is a good place where to moor (also to spend the night).

Attention: Connection with itinerary “Sile River” and “3 Lagoons”.

Having visited Burano, San Francesco del Deserto and Torcello, you can now stop in Murano.
Murano is famous for the art of glass blowing; you can arrive there navigating the Canale Mazzorbo, and then Scomenzera, S. Giacomo, Ondello and Bisatto. Murano is always crowded of tourists as well. Remember that you can just circumnavigate the island; do not enter into the interior canals by boat. We suggest you to moor your boat in Vignole and get the vaporetto to Murano. You really should take the opportunity to visit a glass blowing demonstration. The island offers many shops and restaurants.
If you have enough time, stop one night in Venice, by the sailing clubs. Elena (on payment), very practical to visit Venice; or if you prefer you can spend the night in Marina S. Giorgio, the most panoramic one. Choose a good restaurant, possible with a nice view over the Canal Grande… enjoy an unforgettable evening.

Attention: Eventual connection with itinerary “Brenta Canal”. Navigating the Canale della Giudecca and the Canale of Fusina you will be in less than one hour to the entry of the Naviglio del Brenta (Brenta Canal). On your right side there is an equipped mooring place at disposal of all those boats which are going up or down the Brenta Canal.

Probably it is your last day cruising the area, take it easy and plan your journey back to Chioggia. It takes more or less 3 engine hours.
As soon as you see Chioggia, cross the canal “Bocca di Porto di Chioggia” head towards left, pointing to the church with bell tower, at 1 km far away from you. Look for the entrance to the canal, marked by a DAMA (particular kind of bollard, composed by several piles together; one of them is 70 cm higher than the others). Leave the church and Chioggia on your right and sail along the canal. It bends twice and there in front of you is Isola dell’Unione, the base Rendez vous Fantasia. It is worth visiting Chioggia, there are numerous excellent restaurants. Do not forget that you have to give back your boat by 09 o’clock am.
Have a nice journey and arrivederci!

(*) Check the updated timetables and phone numbers in the “Locks and Swing Bridges” section.


Chioggia is a miniature version of Venice, with a few canals, chief among them the Canale Vena, and the characteristic narrow streets known as calli. Chioggia has several medieval churches, much reworked in the period of its greatest prosperity in the 16th and 17th centuries. Chioggia served Carlo Goldoni as the setting of his play Le baruffe chiozzotte, one of the classics of Italian literature. Goldoni took his setting seriously: the play is replete with lace-making, fishermen, and other local color.
Ca’ Roman natural reserve is the utmost land on the coastal strip of the Venetian lagoon. It is an ideal habitat for small migrant birds and a place out of time, since the South of the lagoon, less affected by mass tourism, maintains features of great beauty and natural interest.

Pellestrina is a narrow eleven kilometer-long barrier suspended between sea and lagoon and protected from the raging waters by one of the sturdiest sea defenses that the Venetian Republic was able to put up in the 18th century to safeguard the city: the murazzi (seawalls). From the sea to the sand dunes, the reed beds in the shallows of the lagoon fish hatcheries, from dawn to dusk, it is a long, slender strip of land pulsing with life.


Venice’s Lido is an 11-mile (18 km) long sandbar, home to about 20,000 residents, greatly augmented by the (mainly Italian) tourists who move in every summer. The famous beach in Lido was celebrated in Thomas Mann’s “Death in Venice”. The Venice Film Festival takes place at the Lido every September. A stay on the Lido in summertime offers the opportunity to enjoy all kinds of sports or to relax in a fresh green environment. Go swimming or take a drink on the seashore; try offshore fishing, sailing, windsurfing and diving; play a round of golf on the 18-hole course, in the beautiful Alberoni pine forest, between the waters of the Lagoon and the sea; spend an afternoon horse riding in the riding school or along the beaches; have a good game of tennis.

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Venice has to be visited walking. You’ll get to know all of its out of the way and unusual nooks and crannies, perhaps far off the more beaten paths. Distances are short… but don’t bother to get “lost” in the back streets, bridges and campi (squares) that make up the real Venice. So much has been written about Venice that it seems to be superfluous to remind how unique it is. Venice and its Lagoon has been placed among the UNESCO heritage not only for their artistic treasures, but also for the extraordinary interpenetration between human activity and natural landscape.


The gondola is a traditional Venetian rowing boat. Gondolas were for centuries the chief means of transportation within Venice. Contrary to popular belief the gondola is never poled like a punt as the waters of Venice are too deep. Until about two hundred years ago, gondolas often were fitted with a “felze,” a small open cabin, to protect the passengers from sun or rain. An ancient law of Venice required that gondolas should be painted black, and they are customarily so painted now. Gondolas are entirely hand-made. They are built by using 8 different types of wood and are composed of 280 pieces. The oars or rèmi are made of beech wood and they are held in oar locks known as fòrcola. The ornament on the front of the boat is called the fèrro (meaning iron) and can be made of brass, stainless steel, or aluminum. It serves as decoration and as counterweight for the gondolier standing near the stern.
The left side of the gondola is made longer than the right side. This asymmetry causes the gondola to resist the tendency to turn toward the left at the forward stroke.

Murano is home to the Museo Vetraio or, Glass Museum in the Palazzo Giustinian (from 10:00 to 17:00, tel. (0039) 041 739586), which holds displays on the history of glass-making as well as glass samples ranging from Egyptian times through the present day.

Some of the historical factories of glass in Murano are today the most important brand of glass in the world. In the fifteenth century, the island became popular as a resort for Venetians, and palaces were built, but this later declined. The countryside of the island was known for its orchards and vegetable gardens until the nineteenth century, when more housing was built.


Attractions on the island include the Church of Santa Maria and San Donato (known for its twelfth century Byzantine mosaic pavement and said to house the bones of the dragon slained by Saint Donatus), the Church of San Pietro Martire with its splendid chapel of the Ballarin family built in 1503, and the Palazzo da Mula.

The ‘Nizioleti‘ are small sheets, i.e. street signs, that tell much about the story and people of ancient Venice.


Casin dei Nobili reputedly gets its name from the fact that the gentry used to disport themselves upstairs with pronstitutes. There was a game room as well.

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Ponte de le Maravegie – (Sestiere di Dorsoduro). The legend tells of a family where seven sisters of extraordinary beauty lived.

“From Burano to Burano passing through Cavallino, Jesolo, Caposile, Portograndi as in a circle anticlockwise and up to Casier/Treviso” (remember that passing through swing bridges upstream is easier)

It is the most naturalistic itinerary, it is ideal for those who make their first experience with us. Bikes are strongly recommended.

Attention: Connection with itinerary “Venice Lagoon”.

During this itinerary you have to pass some locks and swing bridges: they are not always open, generally they are closed on Saturdays and on Sundays. It is better than to plan this trip from Monday to Friday. (*)

Continue your cruise along the Canale of Burano, and than Canal S. Felice, Canal Riga, Canal dei Bari, Canal il Fosso. It is really a very beautiful and suggestive journey rich in marshy flora and fauna. It is not advisable to navigate the Canal Pordelio because the swing bridge in Ca’Savio is closed for work in progress at the date in which this document was written.
Along the way you will find several moors: Marina di Lido Grando in Punta Sabbioni (on payment) or Treporti, Lio Piccolo and Cavallino (free of charge).

Attention: The canal “Il Fosso” which leads from Lio Maggiore to Cavallino is narrow and shallow. Navigate close to the “briccole” (from 5 to 8 meters). Someone of the crew can stand at bow and verify the depth of the canal.

Pass then the lock of Cavallino (*) and you will finally enter River Sile. Continuing on the right side, towards the mouth of the river, you will find some well-equipped marinas.

Attention: The Sile River does not offer many water facilities. It is better to take advantage of the above-mentioned marinas to fill in the water tank.

Weather permitting, the authorized boats can navigate the sea, along the coast from minimum 500m to maximum 1500 m from the coast (not closer!). You can drop the anchor and have a swim.

Navigating upstream the Sile River, in less than one hour you will be in Jesolo Paese. Many mooring facilities are available along the way.
Ask for the opening of the 2 swing bridges of Jesolo calling the operator (*). If you have any difficulties ask the police to help you.
Don’t waste your time waiting for the bridge opening; it’s better to have a walk and go shopping.
To get to Caposile it takes about one hour. For the updated timetables of the boat-bridge please see the section “Locks and Swing Bridges”.

If you wish to take the longer way round, straight on under the iron bridge, in direction of Musile, in 20 minutes you will be in Chiesanuova, a village with a beautiful new floating landing stage (canal depth guarantee), a nice and quiet place to overnight, to bicycle, to go shopping. There is also a very appreciated pizzeria in the neighbourhood. If you ring the doorbell at the nr. 91 “Sil di Mengo & C. Snc” you can taste (for free) some excellent strong sweet wine products (you can buy them only if you want).
From Caposile, after the boat-bridge, a nice moor is on your right.

Attention: Do not moor there with low tide and in any case do not stop for long time. Moor with the bow towards land and the stern toward the centre of the canal.

Continue navigating the river Sile upstream, and in more or less 50 minutes you will get at the crossing in Portegrandi.
Mooring is possible near the lock, but it is however forbidden to moor and to use the services by the private concession n° 295 of Agostini, Renier and Mazzoler. At the little restaurant choose from the menu one of the home-made fish based dishes.
You can either continue your itinerary on the Sile River towards Treviso or you can come back to the lagoon passing the lock. If you have enough time we suggest to continue the circuit.
After Quarto d’Altino, the river becomes more and more beautiful and hospitable.

Attention: The river follows a winding route, navigate in the middle, on the bights keep closer to the bigger and outsider edge. Honk your horn twice to signal your arrival. Give priority to all the motorboats going downstream.

In Casale sul Sile, about one hour and a half away, there is a good mooring place to overnight. Here you will find shops and a selection of good restaurants.
To get to Casier it takes one hour cruise. In Cendon, on your right side, there is a good mooring place. On the left side, about 15 minutes from Casier, is a nautical centre “Nautica Biondi”. In Casier you will find a landing stage where you can stop for a short break, but it’s also good to overnight, and than …shops and restaurants.
Even if river and bights are very wide, make sure to stay close to the bank (the left hand side going upstream).
You can reach Treviso by bicycle or by public transport; it is a pleasant, dynamic north eastern Italian town.
Only 10 minutes more and you are by the lock of Silea, the return point of your itinerary. It is not worth going through this lock as it is only open on date and there is only a small stretch of navigable river on the other side.
It is possible to do the return journey along the river, without any stop in about 2 or 3 hours.

After the lock of Portegrandi (*) cruise at around 2000 rpm and take advantage of a gentle cruise on the canal “Silone” enjoying the flora and the fauna.
From Portegrandi to Torcello and Burano (much more lively islands) it takes one hour navigation. If you wish and if you have time, stop there.

Attention: Connection with itinerary “Venice Lagoon”.

(*) Check the updated timetables and phone numbers in the “Locks and Mobile Bridges” section.

The coast of Cavallino, about fifteen miles of golden sand, pine forests, lagoons and sandbars that make it an ideal place for a holiday, is one of the most beautiful beaches in Italy and it is regarded as the European Capital of “plein air”. This long strip of land is wet in a shallow sea, while a wood offers unique scenarios, where the vegetation is represented by Mediterranean pine, but also tamarisk trees and Bohemia olives. A natural paradise for those who want to discover the uniqueness of this region by bike or by boat. Cavallino is the natural protection of one of the most interesting of the Laguna North: a natural area of sandbars, reeds, “velme”, marshes, valleys for fishing. Small and characteristic countries that follow each other along the coast: Cavallino, Ca’ Savio, Ca’ Vio, Treporti, Lio Grando, Lio Piccolo. Ancient and picturesque villages that make a stop to live to the end this wonderful landscape.


Lido di Jesolo is a purpose-built beach resort. Its miles of sandy beach, rows of sunbeds and night-time entertainment attract thousands of holidaymakers every summer. The beach is what holidaymakers come here for. Apart from sunbathing, swimming and lazing around, there are a few other options; there are various activities and shows aimed at families with children, such as aquariums and exhibitions about sharks.  Despite the frequent lack of sophistication, Lido di Jesolo is nevertheless famous for its nightlife, and young people not only go there on holiday, but drive from local towns to party on the beach.

Natural Park of the Sile River. is established in 1991, in an attempt to reintroduce some elements of the flora and fauna that have moved away due to human action, such as reedbeds and toadstools. The park is rich in rich in springs, small lakes, marshes and woods, but also in aristocratic villas, windmills (in fact Treviso is referred to as the ‘Granary of the Republic’) and furnaces, witnesses to the presence of the hydraulic works realised by the Venetian Republic between the 15th and 18th centuries.


It is the Sile, Europe’s longest river that springs from resurgences or “fontanassi,” as they are called in Treviso dialect.
It is characterized by an extraordinary variety of landscapes, rich in historical, artistic and cultural evidence. It is a river to be discovered, much frequented between 1400 and 1700 by noble Venetian patricians who built beautiful villas and residences there and did hydraulic engineering work.


The first step of the river, that above Treviso, is the most interesting from a natural perspective as it highlights the phenomenon of resurgences; it is possible to follow the river also by bike track. It is a rural area of peaceful, almost melancholy quiet, where the banks of the river are low and the water forms a delicate weave of ponds and marshes.
Some time ago there were many mills here, bearing witness to the importance that the milling industry of the Sile had, especially in the centuries under the rule of Venice. Treviso was nicknamed, in fact, the granary of the Republic, because much of the grain destined for the lagoon city came from these lands.


Just after Treviso, the river changes its appearance, becoming perhaps less natural. The banks, which used to be low and marshy, give way to a system of towpaths (or restere) that were once used to tow large boats upstream from the shore.
The banks now are equipped with bicycle and pedestrian paths from which one can admire natural landscapes of rare and undisputed beauty. Still following its course toward the sea, one also encounters former quarries transformed into ponds and renatured environments where numerous species of waterfowl can be admired.
Approaching Venice, the Sile’s journey is coming to an end, its waters beginning to become sweet-salty, until at Portegrandi, it finally abandons itself in the peaceful embrace of the lagoon.


“From Venice to Padua, along the Brenta Canal and return to Chioggia”

This is a very beautiful, romantic and suggestive itinerary. It is recommend for experienced crews with at least two dynamic crew members. It will take 3 full days cruise.
Bikes are recommended.

Attention: For the first part of your cruise follow the instructions described in Itinerary “Venice Lagoon”. Since Mondays is usually the closing day for locks, it’s better to navigate the Brenta Canal from Tuesday to Friday. You will avoid to be blocked between two locks and to be stuck in the week-end traffic.
If your cruise starts on Mondays, we suggest to visit the Brenta Canal first, and then Venice and the islands.
It is a 40 Kilometers long itinerary, from Venice to Padua. You will pass through 5 locks and 10 swing bridges. (*) Free mooring facilities, good shops and restaurants are at your fingertips. A romantic route among ancient beautiful villas and gardens.

Attention: Along the way you will not find water and diesel facilities. Make sure to have full tanks before starting the Brenta Canal. In case you absolutely need water ask kindly to lock-keepers, inhabitants or restaurants at the water-side to help you.

Attention: In the Brenta Canal you will cross several motor vessels in daily excursion.
Bridge and lock operators are allowed to give priority to these vehicles which have scheduled times for visits. Priority must also be given to all those boats that sail from upstream to downstream (in favor of current).

The moorings are public, please leave enough space for other boats. (moor at the beginning or end of each pier leaving more free space for other boats) Otherwise the captain must remain on board to move the boat in case of need.

Attention: the journey times shown below, do not take into account any waiting and maneuvers for the passage of locks and swing bridges.

Along the Brenta Canal try to stay at the centre so as to remain in the deeper water and to avoid the shallow one. In 15 minutes you will reach the lock of Moranzani (*). Next to the lock you will find a restaurant providing quickly served and reasonably priced meals.
In 20 minutes slow navigation you will get to Malcontenta where you will find a public mooring pontoon on the right before the bridge. A small, private, but accessible, landing stage is on the left.
From here on, your cruise will be easier if you fix a schedule with the operator in charge of opening the bridges, in order to rigorously co-ordinate your program and cruising times with the timetables of the locks (*). The opening, closing time for the swing bridges are more or less the same as for the locks (*).

After Malcontenta swing bridge, immediately on your left there is the fascinating Villa Foscari, called “La Malcontenta” designed by Andrea Palladio.

Attention: You can visit this villa only by appointment.

Go on and on the left side there is Villa Querini Stampalia and on the right side there is Villa Priuli.
In 20 minutes navigation you will reach the town of Oriago, close to the second swing bridge.
In the next 6 kms (more or less 40 minutes navigation) you will pass two more swing bridges and you will pass close to several famous villas: on your left, the palace of Mocenigo and Gradenigo and the villa Valmarana; on your right the Villa Moro, the villa Widmann-Scheriman, and so on.…
Before the lock of Mira Porte (*), there is a nice mooring ponton. Other mooring places are available after the lock on the right.
Take advantage of the local tourist information office in Mira to collect leaflets etc. Between Mira and Dolo, 30 minutes navigation, you will pass through 3 swing bridges and numerous villas.
Another beautiful mooring is available in Dolo (formerly Macello) after the lock (*) on the right. In Dolo you can visit to the old windmill.
After 12 km you will arrive in Stra. Now you can choose between spending the night in Dolo or going on to Stra (if you wish and you have enough time). After the beautiful Villa Pisani, there is a nice location to moor. Leave your boat there and visit the biggest villa of the whole Riviera (Villa Pisani-Nazionale).
Now, you can evaluate if it’s worth to continue navigating up until Padua.
Consider that crossing the intersection between the Brenta Canal and the Brenta River can be difficult because of the strong water currents, above all in very rainy seasons).
If you decide not to continue, it is worth visiting the Padua by arriving there with public transport.
If you decide to continue your cruise towards Padua by boat, do not forget to inform the lock-keepers in Stra and in Noventa Padovana of your arrival (call them at least one day before arriving).
After the lock (*) of Stra, keep the bow steering gently upstream, (towards the right side) to compensate the strong water current. Cross the river and flow into the Piovego canal.

Attention: Crossing the river it is advisable to have the anchor to hand in the case you should have any problem with the propeller or the engine it can be your moor.

In more or less 40 minutes you will pass through the lock (*) of Noventa Padovana, go on and the Villa Giovannelli appears on your right.
Continue along a long and narrow straight route passing under many bridges. At the intersection with the canal San Gregorio, continue straight ahead and you will arrive in about 50 minutes at the ancient walls of the fortress of Padua.
Some bights and you will be at the historic Paduan port of Porta Portello where you can moor and visit Padua.
However, the most pleasant place to moor, the one we advice, is a little bit further, on the left, after passing nearby a park and 4 bridges, quite close to the restored Porte Contarine. Whichever you choose, you are still in the heart of Padua.

Padua worth a stopover of at least 24 hours. Do not miss a visit to the Scrovegni Chapel, which houses the most famous frescoes by Giotto.
Now you have to calculate the required journey time to go back to Chioggia. Remember to organize the passage through locks and swing bridges as you already did until now. (*)
Now you are cruising downstream, that’s why the passage through locks and bridges can be more difficult and dangerous.
It’s better to stop at least at 50 meters before the bridge and to wait for the complete opening, if you decide to fasten your boat to a briccola, please remember that it’s better at stern. When the bridge is open, before loosing your ropes, go in reverse until the boat is in position, take away the ropes and accelerate.
(Only in a next future, when the hydraulic works now in progress will be over, and only for 2 meters high boats, it will be possible to do a complete circuit returning to Chioggia along the canals Battaglia and Cagnola and the Bacchiglione river to go back to Chioggia).

In Fusina, at the exit of the Brenta Canal, turn to the right and flow into the Marghera Canal and the Malamocco Canal and if you don’t want to do the way you came from twice, you can choose to cruise along those canals passing through the centre of the lagoon: Valgrande, Allacciante, Perognola etc… Their entrance is on the right, just before the access to the inlet of Malamocco.
With the engine turning at 2500 revolution, you should arrive in about 4 hours.
It is better to arrive in Chioggia in the evening before the day you are due to hand your boat back. As son as you see Chioggia, crossing the canal “Bocca di Porto di Chioggia” steer a little bit to the left, pointing to the church with bell tower, at 1 km far away from you. Look for the entrance to the canal, marked by a DAMA (particular kind of bollard, composed by several poles together; one of them is 70 cm higher than the others). Leave the church and Chioggia on your right and sail along the canal. It bends twice and there in front of you is Isola dell’Unione, the first base of Rendez vous Fantasia. Do not forget that you have to give back your boat by 09 o’clock am.
Welcome back and well done!

(*) Check the updated timetables and phone numbers in the “Locks and Mobile Bridges” section.

The Naviglio del Brenta, the waterway linking Padua and Venice, was a vital thoroughfare for commerce and for travel. When Venice’s sea trade began slackening in the fifteenth century, the city turned its attentions to the mainland Veneto, expanding its holdings inland. Rich Venetian families acquired farmland and began building the villas which can still be admired today. These began as headquarters for overseeing agricultural estates, but soon became used as summer residences; offering rural respite from stuffy Venice. Naturally appearances were important as the nobility wished to entertain and to compete with their neighbours. Architects and artists were brought in to decorate the villas.

To be visited: Villa Pisani in Stra

villa pisani

This massive and majestic palace was built in the first half of the eighteenth century, it boasts 114 rooms, to celebrate the 114th doge, a Pisani. Highlights of the tour include a glorious ballroom with frescoes exalting the Pisani family, and a grand bed and sunken bath made for Napoleon (who spent one night here and then gave the palace away). It’s hard to do justice to the palace’s extensive gardens when you’re on a tour timetable, but they are worth exploring.

The seeming palace at the other end of a lake is in fact a sham, masking stables. There is a maze, an orangery, formal gardens and an ‘English’ wilderness.

Villa Foscari, known as La Malcontenta, is the most famous villa on the Brenta. It’s the closest to the Venetian lagoon, and sits on a picturesque bend in the waterway, framed by weeping willows. The building was designed by Andrea Palladio for the Venetian Foscari family in the mid sixteenth century, and was a showcase for his influential architectural theories. The villa’s nickname, La Malcontenta, is said to come from a miserable Foscari wife who was exiled here.
The reception floor, the piano nobile, is open to the public, and consists of a few lofty frescoed rooms, where architectural decoration is painted rather than real. The villa was used as a military hospital during the Austrian occupation, during which time it was damaged, whitewashed and the chapel was destroyed. Since then the house has been restored and furnished by more sympathetic owners, and it is currently home once more to Foscari descendants, who have living quarters on the floors not open to the public.


Villa Foscarini-Rossi was built for the Foscarini family around the end of the 16th century by the famous architects Vincenzo Scamozzi, Francesco Contini and Giuseppe Jappelli, who followed a design by Andrea Palladio.
The Villa is located in Stra, just a short distance from Villa Pisani. The Villa contains rooms that mingle Classical and Gothic elements, all filled with frescoes by pupils of Jappelli. The Villa also has two permanent exhibitions of the important Brenta shoemaking tradition.


The Barchessa Valmarana stands on one of the prettiest sites on the Brenta Riviera, just a short distance from Mira. The Barchessa was originally part of Villa Valmarana, a building from the 16th century whose main structure was demolished at the beginning of the 20th century. The villa’s two external buildings, which were once used as a warehouse and a lodge, survived the demolition. The latter was opened to the public after restoration work which uncovered the wonderful frescoes painted by Michelangelo Schiavoni, also known as “il Chiozzotto”.

Padua, also known as the City of the Saint, is a strange but charming combination of both a cultural and an industrial city.
The Università Degli Studi Di Padova was based in 1222, and it attracted the likes of Dante, Petrarch, and Galileo Galilei.
The great Basilica of Sant’ Antonio is recognized by Byzantine domes and minaret style towers. The interior of the church is rich in decoration, thanks to the generosity of Pilgrims, who have made their way to this church for centuries in order to visit St. Antonio’s grave. Although, officially the 13th June is the feast day of the saint, nowadays pilgrims come all year round to Padua.


The other reason to visit this city is Giotto. In Padua you will find the most complete (and the best preserved) collection of works by Giotto “La Cappella degli Scrovegni”.

LAGOON OF GRADO AND MARANO – Venetian waterway, the history of Serenissima (Most Serene)

“Marano Lagunare, the Stella River and its natural reserve, islands and casoni (fishermen’s stray-covered huts), Aquileia, Grado and back to Marano Lagunare”

It is the most beautiful and immediate, well-advised for short cruises and for a few days holiday. It’s rich in nature, culture, archaeology and tradition of a genuine life style. Excellent specialities and extraordinary wines.
Bikes are recommended.

The itinerary starts from Marano Lagunare. This little town, on your arrival or on your departure, it worths the visit of at least one day. The marina offers all the facilities, the city is very nice and you can find whatever you need. You will find everything you may need within a stone’s through. People, Venetian speaking in Friuli, are kind and polite.

Attention: Portomaran is our second operative base, in collaboration with the direction of this port, since 2004.
For all our Customers choosing Marano Lagunare as departure and/or arrival base for their out and back-cruise or one-way cruise, the Marina will be free of charge just on embarkation and on disembarkation day. For the boats in transit: entering into the Marina and stop in the row R, an employee will show you where to moor, and will give you a key for the land services. (Mooring and services price as price list).

Attention: In the Marano and Grado Lagoon you can enjoy the wild and charming islands of the littoral cordon, they are accessible only by boat. Here you can spend some pleasant and quite time, often in complete solitude.
From now on it will not be difficult to see the traditional “Casoni” (the fishermen’s stray-covered huts) which are always in perfect maintenance conditions, strictly built with palustrine reeds. Sometimes you can stop for a short break.

Leave the Marina of Portomaran, flow into the Canal of Marano on your left, in short you will find, on the left site, the canal of the “Litoranea Veneta”, that will take you to Portobusa (about 13 kms cruise).
In the island of Portobuso there is just one restaurant “Ai Chiodi” open only during the day.
Going on for about 60 minutes along the Canal “Anfora Vecchia” you will reach the intersection with the canal “della Teiada” on the left. To reach Aquileia go up the Canal della Teiada and the Natissa River for more or less 7 kms. In the Marina “Porto turistico di Aquileia” you will surely find a mooring place, even if for just few hours (on payment). From here, on foot or by bicycle, you can reach, in short time, the famous Roman Archaeological Park, very rich in mosaics. (do not miss the visit!)
Go backwards and flow into the “Litoranea Veneta” again. Keep the left and after about 6 km (Canal S. Pietro d’Orio) you are in Grado. It is a famous archaeological finds. All your needs will be fully satisfied. Probably you can find a free mooring place but we advice you to moor in the Marina of Porto San Vito (tel. 0039 0431 83600) that lies on the entrance of the port of Grado.

Attention: It is also very easy to reach Trieste from Grado, even if the only way to get to Trieste is navigating at sea; that’s why this route is suitable just for those boats which are authorized to navigation at sea, with a deeply motivated and expert crew. Estimated times: at least 3 days. Ask for any suggestions.

After visiting Grado, you can choose:
◦ to go backwards and flow into the Litoranea Veneta again. At the intersection with the canal of Marano, turn left in direction of the “bocca dei canali”. From there, in 10 minutes, you will arrive in Lignano Sabbiadoro;
◦ to navigate at sea along the coast to Lignano Sabbiadoro (if the weather allows it and only for the authorized boats).
Also in this wonderful coastal town you can find whatever you need, including some nightlife. Mooring places and supplies are available in one of the several marinas.
Leave Lignano Sabbiadoro and just after 10 minutes navigation you are back in “bocca dei canali”. Turn left into the canal “dei Lustri” and in short on the right side is the canal “Cialisa”. Flow into and it will take you, paying attention to keep the left at the next junction, upstream the verdant “Stella River”. Two hours of agreeable and relaxing navigation and you will get in Precenicco.
Free mooring places are available. In Precenicco (do not go further) we advise you to stop and, why not, to spend the night there. It is a quiet town and you will find shops, banks, bar and restaurants. You can buy wine and typical local farm products. We advise you the restaurant Rivabella (tel: 0039 0431 366091 – closed on Monday).
On the way back, at the intersection with the canal “Cialisa” go straight ahead. You will first pass under a big trawl-net, to arrive than, after some bights and after 20 minutes navigation, in the famous fishermen’s village where you can see the typical houses in palustrine canes. Now you are in the natural reserve of the Stella River.

Attention: navigate slowly through the village and keep your boat in the centre of the canal, in the bends, the external side is preferable.

To stop and have a break is almost always possible; it is better to approach a house if it is open and someone is inside, by the owner’s leave.
An exchange of compliments and a toast will be pleasantly inevitable (so keep always a good bottle of wine or a good beer ready).
Go back to the intersection with canal “Cialisa” and navigate it backward. At the crossing go on to the right on the canal “Caron” and from here you get in about 20 minutes to the tourist port of “Aprilia Marittima”, one of the biggest and best organized marina of the Northern Adriatic, continuing on left you go back to Marano Lagunare.

(*) Check the updated timetables and phone numbers in the “Locks and Swing Bridges” section.

Aquileia was founded as a colony by the Romans in 180/181 BC along the Natissa River. The site of Aquileia, believed to be the largest Roman city yet to be excavated, is inscribed on the World Heritage List of UNESCO. The ancient buildings of Aquileia served as stone quarries for centuries, and no buildings of the Roman period remain above ground. Excavations have revealed one street and the north-west angle of the town walls, while the National Archaeological Museum (one of the most important museums of Ancient Rome in the world) contains over 2,000 inscriptions, statues and other antiquities, as well as glasses of local production and a numismatics collection.


The Cathedral of Aquileia is one of the most important buildings of Christianity. It is a flat-roofed basilica erected in 1031 on the site of an earlier church.

The façade, in Romanesque-Gothic style, is connected by a portico to the Church of the Pagans, and the remains of the 5th century Baptistry. The interior has a nave and two aisles, with a noteworthy mosaic pavement from the 4th century. The wooden ceiling is from 1526, while the fresco decoration belongs to various ages.
Next to the 11th century Romanesque Holy Sepulchre, at the beginning of the left aisle, ruins of different ages can be seen: the lowest is from a Roman villa of the age of August; the middle one has a typical opus signinum pavement; the upper one, bearing blackening from the Attila’s fire, has geometrical decorations.
Externally is the Cemetery of the Fallens, where ten unnamed soldiers of World War I are buried.


What is really extraordinary of Grado is that it is a beach vacation surrounded by ancient culture.
Once mainly a fishing center, today it is a popular tourist destination, known commonly as L’Isola del Sole (“The Sunny Island”), also famous because it is also a spa town. Although the little historic centre is pretty, Grado’s expansion as a beach resort has obviously had a huge impact on the island’s attractiveness. Grado is really a compromise between charm and practicality. Its multiple facets also make it a good compromise as a tourist destination: if your family holiday has to satisfy varied tastes, Grado works well.

Grado’s cathedral, the Duomo or Basilica di Sant’Eufemia, is the town’s best tourist sight. It lies in a picturesque little square called Campo dei Patriarchi which is the historic heart of Grado.
The church dates to the sixth century and was constructed over an even earlier church.
From the right-hand nave you can enter the Duomo’s Lapidarium (stone collection). On the way you pass a side-room or chapel containing yet more ancient mosaic. Alongside Sant’Eufemia is the octagonal Baptistry, which dates to the fifth century. Just over the square from the Duomo is another impressive early church; the Basilica di Santa Maria delle Grazie.


Together with Marano Lagunare, it is the center of a lagoon, which is famous for its uncontaminated nature.

foce stella

Grado is surrounded by a lagoon where fishermen build their stray-covered huts (called “casoni”). The lagoon has a peculiar charm: it is a real silent and calm oasis floating between the blue sky and sea with colours fading in nuances, with small islands where rare birds live. It has been declared a “Humid zone of international value”, the ideal place for those who love quietness and nature and very interesting for birdwatchers, who can also visit the avifaunal oasis of Val Cavanata (with the naturistic trail Val Cavanata-Punta Sdobba) and the Regional Nature Reserve at the mouths of the Stella river; since 1996 it has become a regional natural reserve.


“From Burano to Marano Lagunare, going through Cavallino, Jesolo, Caposile, Musile, Cortellazzo, Caorle, Bibione and Lignano”

It is a really varied itinerary: art and sea, the typical lagoon and river nature, beaches, rural and sea villages. We advise it for at least a 2 weeks cruise, one week in case of one-way cruise.
Bikes are recommended.

Before leaving for your cruise it is important to know that:
– In some periods of the year the locks are closed on Saturdays and on Sundays; and certain swing bridges do not work in some holidays; (*)
– Some bridges are not working in Canal Cavetta, between Jesolo and Cortellazzo, and that’s why you are obliged to choose between:
1. Navigate at sea and follow the coast for some miles. Only for the authorized boats (nice weather and good sea conditions are necessary);
2. Extend your way of more or less 4 hours and to go upstream the “Piave Vecchia” to Musile, and than to descend the “Piave” almost to reach its mouth in Cortellazzo.
We advice you to choose this second option; it suits all kind of boats and it can be done with every weather conditions.

Attention: Conncection to itinerary “Venice Lagoon”.

Your itinerary continues along the canal of Burano, canal S. Felice, canal Riga, canal dei Bari, canal il Fosso. A very beautiful route among the flora and the fauna of the wetlands. The canal Pordelio can not be navigated because of a not-working swing bridge in Ca’Savio. (*)
Having crossed Burano, you will finde some available moors: Marina di Lido Grando in Punta Sabbioni (on payment); free of charge moors are in Treporti, Lio Piccolo and Cavallino.

Attention: The canal “Il Fosso” which leads from Lio Maggiore to Cavallino is narrow and shallow. Navigate close to the “briccole” (from 5 m to 8 m) and observing from the bow the water level.

Once you passed through the lock of Cavallino (*), you are on the Sile River. Continue navigating to the right, towards the mouth of the river, and you will find some well-equipped marinas.

Attention: Along the Sile River you will not find so many places where to fill water tank in. Take advantage of the above mentioned marinas.

If the weather and the season allows it you can navigate at sea (only for the authorized boats) along the coast from min. 500 m (not closer!) to max. 1500 m from land. You can drop the anchor and take a swim.

In less than one hour going upstream the Sile River, you are in Jesolo Paese. Some free moorings are available along the way.

Ask the opening of the 2 bridges in Jesolo contacting the operator (*). If you have any difficulties ask to the police or Vigili to help you.
Do not waste time waiting for the bridge opening, take advantage of it and go shopping. It takes one hour to get to Caposile.

Navigating the “Piave Vecchia”, from Caposile to the lock of Musile, it takes more or less 30 minutes. It is a river characterized by a narrow and sometimes tortuous riverbed, with low banks, rich in small canals, small villages, good cultivated lands. The lock “Intestadura” of Musile is always open, it works only with flood and minimum flow of the rivers “Piave” or “Sile”(*).
In Chiesanuova, entering into the big bight, you can find a beautiful new floating landing stage, immersed in the green (depth guaranteed), a nice and quiet place to spend the night, to bicycle, to go shopping. On the bank shops, bar and pizzeria.
If you ring the doorbell at nr. 91 “Sil di Mengo & C. Snc” you can taste, free of charge, some excellent strong sweet wine products (you can buy them only if you want).

In the “Piave” the setting changes: the banks are further away, much more high and with many trees.
If you wish you can go the long way round for few minutes to reach S. Donà di Piave (good mooring place on your right, near a green large square, before a high iron bridge).
Navigate downstream you’ll find the swing boat bridge, just before Cortellazzo, it will take about 90 minutes. Eraclea, the only place it’s worthy to be mentioned, is approximately in the middle of your route. When you see the boat bridge honk the horn 3 times (*).

Attention: Keep the boat at a good distance from the bridge (about 50 meters) in order not to be in danger because of the current, turn the boat around until the bridge is completely open and than pass it through without hesitating.

You will surely find some free mooring places between the bridge and the mouth of the river; if you are looking for more comfort and you have to fill the water tank in you can also find some better equipped moorings. They are not free, you should pay a fee.
In Cortellazzo, small village devoted to tourism, fishing and agriculture, you will find: good restaurants, bar, newspapers, supermarkets, fish market, various shops. On foot or by bicycle, it is easy to reach the seaside, take a swim or have a walk on the beach.
Two more engine hours and you are in Caorle, important tourist and fishing centre of the Northern Adriatic. We advise you to stop and spend the night there.
To get to Caorle you have to navigate along the canals: Revedoli and Largon to Brian. Few notes:
1. You can pass through the lock of Revedoli whenever you want (always open except flood in the river Piave);
2. Three kms far is the swing bridge of “Torre di Fine”. An employee of the nearby marine shop “Garden centre” opens it (*).
Here you have the possibility to moor, to fill water in and to go shopping.
After seven km you are in Brian. Pass under the bridge of the new arterial road and you will find an old swing bridge (always open) and a modest nautical organization. In few time you will reach the intersection with the Livenza canal. You have to go on straight ahead along the canal Commessera. On the left the private mooring place of “Trattoria Emiliana”, advised for home-cooking lovers. This place is perfect to go jogging and mountain-biking. Twenty minutes more and you’ll arrive in the Livenza River, in Porto Santa Margherita, sail towards the mouth, take the first junction to the left “Canale dell’Orologio” and go on for few minutes. Straight ahead, beyond the Marina dell’Orologio you will find a canal with many fishing boats; we do not advice you to enter in this canal. On the left there is the canal “Saetta”, only 100 meters further, just before the swing bridge, there is the good mooring place of the restaurant “Da Duilio”. It worths a stop.
After the swing bridge of Caorle (*), three kms more and you are in the beautiful Caorle Lagoon. If you need to moor, we advise you to stop on the mooring on the right, 150 meters after the swing bridge (you can stop there without leaving your boat).

From now on it will not be difficult to admire the traditional “Casoni” (the fisherman’s stray-covered huts) which are always in perfect maintenance conditions, strictly built with palustrine REEDS. Sometimes you can stop for a little break.

Attention: Keep the water chart in view, and follow it carefully during the cruise. The indications on the route are not always punctual and clear.

Attention: Navigate carefully in the middle of the canals, avoiding some possible shallow water.

Attention: It is absolutely forbidden to go out to the sea and back passing through Porto Falconera. The canal is not deep enough.

Go upstream along the Canal Nicessolo and Canalon for about 3,5 kms, and continue to the right along the canal Del Morto for 3,5 kms; on the left flow into the Canal Baseleghe and di Cavanella for about 2,5 kms more. Navigate the canal De Lovi towards the sea for a while and than take the canal of Lugugnana and Cava Nuovo on your left that flows into the Tagliamento River, after about 8 km. and passed the lock of Bevazzana Destra(*).
You are in Bibione, once again a splendid tourists pearl of the Northern Adriatic.
You have to go upstream for more than 1 km before crossing, on your right, the Canal Di Bevazzana and the Canal Lovato. You can enter into the last one we mentioned, after passing through the lock and the swing bridge of Bevazzana Sinistra (*).
Two kms straight ahead and you arrive in the rich Marano and Grado Lagoon.

Attention: Navigate in the middle, the canal is shallow for about 2 kms, until canal “Caron”.

Attention: From now on the navigable canals are marked by “briccole”; the same traffic sign system as the one used in the, Lagoon of Venice.

From the Canal Caron, turning to the left, you get in about 20 minutes to the tourist marina of Aprilia Marittima, one of biggest and best organized of the Northern Adriatic’s.
Turn right and after just 10 minutes, navigating through the canal “Dei Lustri” you are in “Bocca dei Canali”; take the junction on the right to Lignano Sabbiadoro (to get there it takes more or less 10 minutes).
In this wonderful coastal town you can find whatever you need, including nightlife. Mooring places and supplies are available in the several marinas of the area.
Marano Lagunare is just 5 kms far away from Bocca dei Canali.
Go into the town through waterways; the marina of Portomaran is on your right, at the entrance of the fishing port, before the new fish market.

Attention: Portomaran is our second operative base, in collaboration with the direction of this port, since 2004.
For all our Customers choosing Marano Lagunare as departure and/or arrival base for their out and back-cruise or one-way cruise, the Marina will be free of charge just on embarkation and on disembarkation day. For the boats in transit: entering into the Marina and stop in the row R, an employee will show you where to moor, and will give you a key for the land services. (Mooring and services price as price list).

The little town of Marano Lagunare worths a visit of at least one day, on your arrival or on your departure. The marina offers all the facilities, the town centre is very nice and you can find whatever you need within a stone’s through. People, Venetian speaking in Friuli, are kind and polite.

(*) Check the updated timetables and phone numbers in the “Locks and Swing Bridges” section.

Cavallino – Treporti
Renowned throughout Europe for its beautiful beaches, well-equipped camping places and the charming landscape. The Municipality of Cavallino Treporti is located on the peninsula stretching from Punta Sabbioni – ancient wharf now connected to Venice through regular public transport – to Cavallino, (from vulgar Latin Equilinum) the village known in ancient times for horse breeding. Besides bathing, from April to October you should enjoy a bicycle day out to the discovery of this enchanting part of Laguna Nord.


Continuing along the ancient route of Litoranea Veneta, we encounter the Cavallino fishing valleys: Paleazza, Olivara, Sacchetto and Liona, that since the times of the Serenissima Republic, represent an important food source for the local population. Scattered across the area, numerous military structures such as forts, batteries and telemetric towers that allowed to simultaneously sight the enemies and measure their distance from the coast.
Once past Canale Pordelio, we reach the centre of Treporti, with its picturesque Santissima Trinità Church and then continue, along the banks of Valle Zanella till the Saccagnana area and the rural court “Pra”, overlooked by an elegant rural villa built in the XVI century and Madonna del Carmine Church (re-built in its actual shape at the beginning of XVIII century). The itinerary ends in Lio Piccolo, enchanting tiny village comprising a square and a few houses, where, at the end of XVIII century, the rich Boldù family built the homonymous palazzo and the adjacent church dedicated to Santa Maria della Neve.


Caorle is a small town, but in every season it fills up with tourists.
The main tourist attraction in Caorle are the wonderful long sandy beaches. These are divided between the “Ponente” side and the “Levante” one. It is over 15km long and offers both private and free beaches. In these beaches tourists can enjoy swimming in a clean, warm sea, relax and sunbathe. It is also ideal for families as certain areas of the beach offer children’s animation and entertainment
The old town centre is still structured as a little Venetian corner, with its coloured houses, “calli” and “campielli”. In summer there are many activities for families on the long beach and also in the caprulan lagoon (one of the examples of Venetian lagoons), where many characteristic “casoni” stand (the huts where fishermen lived in the winter while fishing).


At Caorle, history and tradition meet and reconvene moments from the past. Locals savour their relationship with their cultural heritage in the great Caorlina Festival, or “bragozzi” regattas (Venetian two masted fishing boats). Caorlevivistoria (Caorle’s history come alive) and the Fraima Festival are events that evoke a past that inhabitants bring back to life with splendid historical costumes and folklore.
“Scogliera Viva” is the main tourist attraction, a wall of rocks along the west coast promenade of Caorle. Visitors can admire magnificent works of art which have been sculptured into these granite rocks.
Each July new works of art are added by great national and international artists who carve away for three days. This is known at the “Scogliera Viva” and it’s by far one of the most popular events as one can literally see plain rocks came alive into magnificent sculptures.


The lagoon layout around Grado and Marano stretches out for about 16,000 hectares between the Isonzo Estuary and the Tagliamento Estuary; the whole system formed between 1400 and 1600, and it is protected from the sea by a dune reef which is more or less covered by a vegetation of trees, grass and bushes.

The landscape always appears in different shapes and colours depending on each change in tide and it presents small islands, sandy reefs, submerged canals and waterbeds which come to the surface at low tide.
By observing the vegetation from the river banks, it is possible to recognise the famous tamarisks, trees with very thin branches, which were many a time mentioned by D’Annunzio, in their prevailing pinkish shades, and then elm-trees, poplar trees, pine-trees and junipers; as far as animals are concerned it is the birds that prevail: royal seagulls, sea swallows, white herons and cormorants.

Bibione has 8 km of soft and clean sand, a blue sea, a beach to sunbathe on, to swim, play sports and games, the best hotels, residences, holiday villages and campsites surrounded by nature. Nature and wellness in Bibione are the very portrait of the enchanting lagoon environment surrounding the summer resort.
The Spa in Bibione are modern and dotted with all the comforts and technologies you need to relax and take advantage of all their benefits. There is no better way to relax and take advantage of the summer holidays!

A vacation in Bibione doesn’t mean only relax and wellness, but also fun and entertainment, thanks to the special events they schedule every year to make everyone enjoy the summer atmosphere.
For the ones loving music, the summer season always offers an interesting review of international jazz and gospel musicians, who will play live on the streets, on the beach or in a bar.


Those arriving at Marano Lagunare will certainly be surprised to find a Venetian more than Friulian landscape, reminiscent of towns like Caorle and Chioggia: actually, Marano was under the Serenissima from 1420 to 1797, a rule that left deep historical, artistic and anthropological traces. Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, the main square, is surrounded by the 15th-century Loggia and Palazzo dei Provveditori (superintendents’ palace), but the symbol of the town is the Patriarchal Tower (with 15th-century body and 20th-century belfry), characterized by a series of sumptuous portraits and epigraphs.

torre patriarcale marano

The parish church is dedicated to S. Martino (a sculpture of the Saint and the poor is set in the gable), although the most loved saint in town is St. Vito, to whose devotion (and to the devotion of SS. Modesto and Crescenzo) is dedicated the traditional procession at sea. In the church (18th cent.) several works of art are found, among which the imposing18th-century high altar with a painting of Enthroned Virgin with St. Martin and St. Vito (16th cent.) and three altarpieces probably attributable to Antonio Martinetti called Chiozzotto (1719-1790). The small church of Beata Vergine (1905-1908) contains a much worshipped wooden image of the Madonna della Salute (17th cent.) and other ex-voto.
The present-day town is fully projected into a future made of environment-oriented tourism, though not forgetting the fishing activity, centred on the protection of the lagoon ecosystem also thanks to the creation of the Natural Reserve of the River Stella mouth (1377 hectares) and the “Valle Canal Novo” (121 hectares) with a Visitors’ Centre. The picturesque “casoni”, the large huts made of reeds and mud supported by wood pilasters used as houses and storerooms for fishing tools, never fail to fascinate.


“From Marano Lagunare to Chioggia going through Lignano, Bibione, Caorle, Cortellazzo, Musile, Caposile, Portegrandi, islands of the Venice Lagoon and Venice”

It is a really varied itinerary: art and sea, the typical lagoon and river nature, beaches, rural and sea villages. We advise it for at least 2 weeks if you decide for an out and back cruise, and one week if you decide for one way cruise.
Bikes are recommended.

Before leaving for your cruise it is important to know that:
– In some periods of the year the locks are closed on Saturdays and on Sundays; and certain swing bridges do not work in some holidays; (*)
– Some bridges are not working in Canal Cavetta, between Jesolo and Cortellazzo, and that’s why you are obliged to choose between:
1. Navigate at sea and follow the coast for some miles. Only for the authorized boats (nice weather and good sea conditions are necessary);
2. Extend your journey and navigate more or less 4 hours more. Go upstream “Piave Vecchia” to Musile, and then descend the “Piave” almost to reach its mouth in Cortellazzo.
We advise you to choose this second option; it suits all kinds of boat and it can be done with every weather conditions.

The little town of Marano Lagunare, on your arrival or on your departure, it worths a visit of at least one day. The marina offers all the facilities, the town centre is very nice and you can find whatever you need within a stone’s through. People, Venetian speaking in Friuli, are kind and polite.

Attention: Portomaran is our second operative base, in collaboration with the direction of this port, since 2004.
For all our Customers choosing Marano Lagunare as departure and/or arrival base for their out and back-cruise or one-way cruise, the Marina will be free of charge just on embarkation and on disembarkation day. For the boats in transit: entering into the Marina and stop in the row R, an employee will show you where to moor, and will give you a key for the land services. (Mooring and services price as price list).

Attention: In the Marano and Grado Lagoon you can enjoy the wild and charming islands of the littoral cordon, they are accessible only by boat. Here you can spend some pleasant and quite time, often in complete solitude.
From now on it will not be difficult to admire the traditional “Casoni” (the fishermen’s stray-covered huts) which are always in perfect maintenance conditions, strictly built with palustrine reeds. Sometimes you can stop for a short break.

Leave the Marina of Portomaran, flow into the Marano Canal on your left side; pass over the dry land and you will find “damas” and the “medas” to indicate the way. Navigate straight on and in 50 minutes you’ll reach Lignano Sabbiadoro.
Also in this wonderful coastal town you can find whatever you need, including some nightlife. Mooring places and supplies are available in one of the several marinas.
Leave Lignano Sabbiadoro and just after 10 minutes navigation you are in “Bocca dei Canali”. Turn left into the canal “dei Lustri” and ”Caron”. Go on for a while and turn into the “Canale dei Pantani”, please stay in the middle of it.

Attention: Low depth for about 2 km.

Attention: Keep the water chart in view, and follow it carefully during the cruise. The indications on the route are not always punctual and clear.

Go on through the canal “Lovato” and “Bevazzana”. You have just left the Lagoon of Grado and Marano. Cross the swing bridge and the lock of Bevazzana Sinistra (*).
You are now navigating the Tagliamento River, only few kms from “Bibione”, once again it is a splendid tourists pearl of the Northern Adriatic.
Navigate the river downstream for more than one km before meeting, on your right, the lock of “Bevazzana destra”(*). Pass through the lock and go further along the canal Di Lugugnana and the Canal Cava Nuovo. Eight kms ahead and the canal flows into the Port of “Baseleghe”.

Attention: Navigate carefully in the middle of the canals, avoiding some possible shallow water.

Keep the right side and turn into the Canal dei Lovi, navigate it shortly upstream before turning, on your left, into the Canal Baseleghe and then the Canal Cavanella for more or less 2,5 km. Continue navigating on the right along the Canal del Morto for further 3,5 km and then on the left along the canal “Nicessolo or Canalon” towards the sea for about 3,5 km. Flow into the Canal Saetta (on your right) towards Caorle, important tourist and fishing centre of the Northern Adriatic. We advice you to stop and spend the night there.
To wait for the bridge opening (*) or just for a short stop we advise you the mooring place that you find on the left side, about 150 meters before the swing bridge (you can stop there without leaving your boat).

Attention: It is absolutely forbidden to go out to the sea and back passing through Porto Falconera. The canal is not deep enough.

Only 100 meters after the swing bridge, there is the good mooring place of the restaurant “Da Duilio”. It worths a stop. Sail further straight ahead to canal “Saetta”, on your left is a canal with many fishing boats that we do not advise to take. Turn to the right and flow into the canal dell’Orologio. Go on for few minutes until you get in Porto S. Margherita, by the mouth of the Livenza River. Navigate upstream the river on the right, and at the crossing take the canal Commessera to the left. Twenty minutes navigation and you can have a rich meal by “Trattoria Emiliana”. Advised for home-cooking lovers in the middle of the country. This place is perfect to go jogging and mountain-biking. The restaurant has also a private mooring place.
You are in Brian, a little village with a modest nautical organisation. You have to pass through two bridges: the first one is an old swing bridge always open, the second one is the high bridge of the new arterial road. To get to Cortellazzo from Brian, you have to sail along the Canal Largon and the canal Revedoli.

Few notes:
1. The swing bridge of “Torre di Fine” is opened by an employee of the nearby marine shop “Garden centre” (*). You can moor, water tank and do some shopping;
2. You can pass through the lock of Revedoli whenever you want (always open except flood in the Piave River) (*).

You are in Cortellazzo, small village devoted to tourism, fishing and agriculture, you will find: good restaurants, bar, newspapers, supermarkets, fish market, various shops. On foot or by bicycle, it is easy to reach the seaside, take a swim or have a walk on the beach.
In the “Piave” the setting changes: the banks are further away, much more high and with many trees.

Shortly after Cortellazzo, sailing upstream the river Piave in direction of Musile, is the swing boat bridge. When you see the boat bridge honk the horn 3 times. (*)

Attention: Keep the boat at a good distance from the bridge (about 50 meters) in order not to be in danger because of the current, turn the boat around until the bridge is completely open and than pass it through without hesitating.

You will surely find some free mooring places between the mouth of the river and the bridge.

From here, in about 90 minutes you will arrive at the lock of Intestadura in Musile. The lock is always open, it works only with flood and minimum flow of the rivers “Piave” or “Sile”.
Free mooring places are available.
Eraclea, the only place it’s worthy to be mentioned, is approximately in the middle of your route.

If you wish you can go the long way round for few minutes to reach S. Donà di Piave (good mooring place on your right, near a green large square, before a high iron bridge).

Pass through the lock in Musile, navigate the “Piave Vecchia”, to get in Caposile it takes 30 minutes. Along the way there is the village of Chiesanuova; entering into the big bight, you can find a beautiful new floating landing stage, immersed in the green (depth guaranteed).

A nice and quiet place to spend the night, to bicycle, to go shopping. Shops, bar and pizzeria are on the bank. If you ring the doorbell at nr. 91 “Sil di Mengo & C. Snc” you can taste, free of charge, some excellent strong sweet wine products (you can buy them only if you want).

Continue navigating upstream the Sile River, and in 50 minutes you get to the injunction of Portegrandi. Mooring is possible near the lock, but it is however forbidden to moor and to use the facilities by the private concession n° 295 of Agostini, Renier and Mazzoler. At the little restaurant choose from the menu one of the many homemade fish based dishes.
You will surely find a free mooring place of fortune nearby the church, but it is however forbidden to moor and to use the services by the private concession n° 295 of Agostini, Renier and Mazzoler. In the little restaurant choose the fish house menu.
Pass the lock and continue your itinerary back to the lagoon along the canal Silone to arrive nearby the islands of Torcello, Burano and San Francesco del Deserto. Between 10:00 and 17:00 these islands are crowded of tourists. That is why it is better to visit them after 5 pm. It will be easier to find a place, to moor and the ambience will be much more authentic.
From here on, the route we suggest takes you from island to island in short time navigating. On average 30/50 minutes navigating.

Attention: The RVF set out some mooring places in Burano; they are free of charge for the clients RVF, Locaboat, Cardinal boating but they are not always so quiet to spend the night. Check out the “Burano Mooring” section.

You can find them, by the peaceful verdant quay, seven docks, every with minimum 3 wood posts, marked by our logo. They are just before the wooden bridge connecting Mazzorbo to Burano on the left side. You can get there circumnavigate clockwise the island if you come from north, east and south; if you come from west follow the south coast of Mazzorbo.

In Burano you can shop and you can choose among numerous restaurants where to eat. It is considered the most beautiful island of the Lagoon. We recommend the morning fish market and the friendly atmosphere of via Galuppi with its displays of famous lace work. The bright colours of its houses and the harmonious layout of its map will further enhance your mood.

Attention (in Burano): Understand from where the water current comes from before starting manoeuvring the boat. In favour of current avoid getting near the wooden bridge between Mazzorbo/Burano. Manoeuvre the boat at least 30 metres far away from the bridge. Get with the prow near the mooring, hook a pole, wait till the water current does the rest.

San Francesco is the quietest and the most romantic island of the Lagoon, it is the ideal place to cook, to eat on board and to spend the night. The fountain gives off the water very slowly. There is just a monastery on this island and it is open to visit just a few hours a day; early in the morning on opening time it is better. Moor on the left side of the narrow canal.

Torcello, precious archaeological site in a poignant solitude – the cathedral of S. Maria Assunta and the church of S. Fosca are testimonies of the Venetian-Byzantine style. There are several restaurants, one of them is the famous “Locanda Cipriani”
The Canal Torcello on the north/east of the homonymous island is a good place where to moor (also to spend the night).

To get to Murano navigate along the canals: Scomenzera, S. Giacomo, Ondello and Bisatto. Murano is famous for the art of glass blowing.
Murano is always crowded of tourists as well. Remember that you can just circumnavigate the island; do not enter into the interior canals by boat. We suggest you to moor your boat in Vignole and get the vaporetto to Murano. You really should take the opportunity to visit a glass blowing demonstration. The island offers many shops and restaurants.

Attention: The RVF set out some mooring places in Island “Le Vignole”; they are free of charge for the RVF and Locaboat clients and ideal to spend the night. Check out the “Vignole Mooring” section.

Coming from Murano navigate along the Canal dei Marani and, just before the Canal delle Navi, take the second left. Navigate along this narrow canal, between the island Le Vignole (on your left side) and the Island La Certosa (on your right side). Take the narrow canal on the left and go on for about 400 meters, on your left side, after the first four moorings belonging to other companies, you will find our private mooring place, marked with our logo. A row of 15 poles, 4/5/6 meters far one from the other close to the dock. The other boats, of RVF Locaboat and Cardinal boating, will be authorized to moor alongside the first, make sure your fenders are well placed and treat your neighbours with courtesy, especially when you have to cross their boat to reach the bank.

About halfway down our mooring, on the ground, near the path that leads into the island, you will find a blue-coloured manhol. Lift the lid and inside you will find our water dispenser. Look for the nearest mooring so that you can easily fill up with water, using the hose in your possession. Please don’t forget to close it after use. Thank you.

Attention: In the Canal Le Vignole, close to the chapel with fountain, you will find a wooden bridge which is not allowed to pass under. Directly in front of the church, by the opposite bank, the water is really shallow, do not get near this area.

From this island there is a regular water bus service (vaporetto) to Murano and to Venice (every 60 minutes, run time 20 minutes). The one way ticket costs about Euro 9,50/person. We advise you to take a 24 hours ticket that is about Euro 25,00/person, and than…48 hours ticket is about Euro 35,00/person and 72 hours ticket is about Euro 45,00/person (Euro 33,00/person for 3 days juniors). (*)
To leave Le Vignole it is better to go back.

The Marina of S. Elena, also called Diporto Velico Veneziano, is a good alternative (on payment) to the private free mooring place in Vignole. You will see the Marina on your right, navigating along the Canal “delle Navi”. It is very practical, because it gives you the opportunity to visit Venice on foot, without any extra cost for Vaporetto and without wasting time. Choose a good restaurant and have an unforgettable evening!

Probably it is your last day cruising the area, take it easy and plan your journey back to Chioggia. It takes more or less 3 engine hours.
Flow into the Canal San Nicolò and turn right navigating towards the Basin of S. Marco. When you are in front of the S. Marc Square take the canal on your left (Canale delle Grazie), that pass between the S. Giorgio island and the Island La Giudecca. Continue navigating along the Canal of Santo Spirito, crossing on your right the island of S.Clemente first and the island of Poveglia afterwards (now restoring).
When you are in Malamocco go on navigating along the coast to get to Alberoni.
Keep bollards on your right and stay at a safety distance of 5-10 metres from them.
Cross the canal of Malamocco pointing to the island of Pellestrina, and navigate along its coast. Ninety minutes navigation and you are in Chioggia.
Along the way there are several free moorings available…for a short break, to visit, to have a walk along the nearby beaches or to have a swim.
In Alberoni in a small public port opposite briccola 25 (right after the landing stage of the ferryboat, well-advised also to overnight); in Portosecco opposite briccola 53 (nearby the restaurant “Da Memo”, before the petrol station); in Pellestrina you can moor opposite briccola 139 (near the restaurant “da Celeste” in front of the police station “carabinieri”).
Crossing the canal “Bocca di Porto di Chioggia” steer a little bit to the left, pointing to the church with bell tower, at 1 km far away from you. Look for the entrance to the canal, marked by a DAMA (particular kind of bollard, composed by several piles together; one of them is 70 cm higher than the others). Leave the church and Chioggia on your right and sail along the canal. It bends twice and there in front of you is Isola dell’Unione, the base Rendez vous Fantasia.
Have a safe trip and goodbye.

(*) Consultare gli orari e i numeri telefonici aggiornati nella sezione “Chiuse e Ponti Mobili”

The lagoon around Grado represents the easternmost stretch of the whole lagoon system and it covers a surface area of almost 9,000 hectares from the Aussa estuary to the Isonzo River; it is subdivided into three sub-basins, corresponding to the lagoon harbours of Porto Buso, Grado-Morgo and Primero.


This uncontaminated stretch is made up of canals and streams which intertwine between hillocks and small islands, to be explored on a boat or on a dinghy on a discovery trip of the characteristic “casoni”, but also on a mountain bike along the paths that skirt the fishing areas. The fishing wealth of the lagoon of Grado is dued to the shallow waters and to the favourable environmental conditions, which allow various species of vegetation, fish and water birds to find their natural and ideal habitat.


The Marano Lagoon. Inhabited since ancient times, as findings dating back to the Roman Age show, the lagoon of Marano is a basin of soil impregnated with salt water situated between the Lowlands of Friuli and the Adriatic Sea, which formed as a consequence of a slow but steady and continuous rising of the sea level and of the abundant deposits of soil coming from the rivers.


The landscape of the surrounding areas is characterised by marshland vegetation: elm trees, pine trees, lime-trees, plane-trees and beech trees; the animal world is plentiful in even rare species such as the red heron, which in these areas find a possibility of refuge, food and reproduction.
The lagoon of Marano includes two sub-basins: Lignano and S. Andrea, both corresponding to the lagoon openings; the arch of small islands and sandy reefs are crossed by a network of very many canals.

Lignano Sabbiadoro offers tourists a concentrated mix of services, attractions and accommodation while keeping in close contact with its surrounding nature thanks to its recent history as seaside resort: a long beach with very fine sand, six amusement parks dedicated to all age groups, sports structures of recent construction, pedestrian areas for shopping, hotels, villages and apartments to cater for all needs and demands. And of course there are plenty of discos, pubs and wine bars looking onto the sea, the aquagym courses the spas and the entertainment services for children; and to continue the list, the arena for the summer concerts, a Golf Club with 18 holes, bicycle routes, horse riding schools, tennis courts and over 5,000 berths in 8 modern and fully equipped wharfs. All this in a few kilometres which are traffic free and immersed in the greenery of the surroundings.


Located midway between Venice and Trieste, Lignano rises on a peninsula overlooking the peaceful Adriatic Sea, at a stone’s throw from the nature reserves in the Valle Canal Novo e the Stella River Estuaries, and it has boasted the “Blue Flag of Europe” for over 20 years , symbol of the cleanliness of its beaches and its sea.
Lignano is actually made up of three wonderful cities thought out for holiday makers: Sabbiadoro: its name (sabbia d’oro = golden sand) comes from the unique colour of its very fine sand. Pineta: this village was planned by the architect Marcello D’Olivo and its construction started in the 50s, it has a typical spiral-shape, so that when walking through it you are always plunged into green areas. Riviera: it is set in a large pine-wood between the beach and the mouth of the Tagliamento river.


Musile di Piave could be defined as an island, even if it is rooted in the dry land, because of its position in the middle of several watercourses: the Piave river, the Piave Vecchia, the Fossetta canal and the last ramification of the Venetian Lagoon that laps on its western border.
Musile di Piave lies on the bank of the Piave facing San Donà di Piave, to which it is linked by a bridge. It enjoys a large surface that sets it among the largest towns in the Basso Piave, though keeping a low density of population.

There are many open spaces and cultivated areas, thus the landscape around the town shows wide naturalistic views that become very striking along the watercourses.
The heart of the town is little and pleasant, as it expanded taking into account the importance of keeping a strict planning tradition that respects the natural environment. Nice streets, buildings plunged in the gardens, the City Hall and its square planted with trees and the church of San Donato in modern Gothic style, just in the town centre so as to be a gathering point for all the residents.


This is Musile in a few words. Then, in the surrounding we can admire beautiful country houses and several farmhouses built in the past.
Musile, as well as San Donà, was seriously damaged by the floods of the Piave and during 1st and 2nd World War.
You can still find, however, some traces of the Roman Empire; in fact, the via Annia, opened under the consulate of T. Annio Rufo (131 b.C.) to link up Rome with Aquileia, ran along the lagoon side. There are many evidences of a life connected to the watercourses, as the typical bridges built up to allow the river navigation.

The wide territory of Musile is divided into hamlets, the resident of which compete every year for the Palio di San Donato, one of the most exciting events that gives life to the town during almost a full month.
Among the most important events, the Amistà Pact, signed by the municipalities of Musile and San Donà, recalls yearly the episode when Musile, once called San Donato di là dal Piave, allowed San Donà to be named in that way in exchange for capons. The traditional Corsa dei Mussi (mule race) takes place during this event.
Some years ago a boat trip, named Il Vaportto del Piave, has been re-established to transport passengers from Musile and San Donà to Cortellazzo, at the mouth of the Piave, in summertime.


Today, Burano is a marvellous island, a heaven that enchants the tourists, not only for its history but also for its charm, for the unreal silence of its mornings, contrasted with the evenings with the happy bawling of the peculiar local dialect. Burano offers a different pace of life to Venice: this is the life of the lagoon. There is only one modest guest house on the island and islanders treat the streets like their front rooms and can be seen outside doing such activities as ironing, making lace, and frying fish. The most important reason for going to Burano is surely the brightly painted houses, which create a colourful ambiance: a feature which the authorities have attempted to preserve by insisting that residents observe the municipal colour scheme when painting their homes.


So these houses are said to be painted that way to help the fishermen recognizing their houses when they came back after a long fishing day.
The legend relates that a young Venetian seaman brought to his girl-friend a beautiful seaweed from remote seas. As she wanted to preserve the remembrance for ever, she copied the delicate outline and patterns using her needle and thread.

In the course of time, the fame of Burano lace spread throughout Europe and was very much in demand.
The Venetian art of lace-making was so valued in beyond the Alps that Catherine de Medici and Minister Colbert persuaded some lace-makers from Burano to move to France. The Royal Manufactory at Rheims produced “Punto In aria”, the typical Burano needle lace, under the direction of Marie Colbert, the Minister’s niece, and soon it numbered 200 Venetian lace makers among the much more numerous French workers. In 1797, with the fall of the Serenissima Republic, also lace-making came to a stop, and the craft was practiced only within the confines of the home.


From then up to the end of last century the Burano lace experienced ups and downs, nowadays there are only very few experts in the Burano lace making.
In Burano there were many important examples of sacred architecture, but nowadays only few remain. Four religious constructions lasted till Napoleonic period as property of Diocesi of Torcello: Santa Maria delle Grazie, now desacrated, San Mauro, San Vito and San Martino Vescovo, parish church still existing.
Almost all the island’s historic preserves are contained in the ample sixteenth century church devoted to St. Martin. The most important work of art in the church is the Crocifissione, a 1727 painting by G.B.Tiepolo. The big square in front of the church is dedicated to Baldassarre Galuppi (1706 to 1785), who was the famous musician know as “the Buranello”(pride of Burano). Galuppi as librettist, along with Goldoni, invented the opera comica (comic opera) music theatre form.


Le Vignole. It was the vineyards which gave the island its name; it also used to be called Isola delle sette vigne, Island of the seven vineyards. This was once a holiday spot for inhabitants of the mainland and of Venice. Later it acquired a more military function; the islands in this part of the lagoon had considerable strategic importance, as they face Venice’s principal entrance from the Adriatic sea (before the extension of the northern Lido di Cavallino, the sea came right up to their shores). One of Venice’s two main defensive fortresses, the Forte di Sant’Andrea, is on an island connected to Le Vignole. It’s still a military zone and can’t be visited, although you can admire the massive historic fortifications.


S. Andrew’s Fort, built with a project of the Veronese architect Michele Sanmicheli in the beginning of XVI century, during the richest period of the S. Marco’s Republic, guards the main access to Venice: the “bocca di porto” of S.Nicolò. During those years, the mainland wasn’t a military risk for Venice: the wideness of the lagoon behind the city, within all its troubles and difficulties of navigations, was sufficient in defending Venice against the enemies. Instead, by the sea, the lagoon city could be attacked by Turkish fleet, that was in very expansion during that period. The fort, faced to medieval Castelvecchio, had two long curtains of gunners just upon the water, which were almost invincible. But Saint Andrew’s Fort hadn’t only military functions, because this fort was built with the majesty and the beauty of a very main portal of a city even despite Venice was proud of its lack of walls and of its safety that was guaranteed by its own strength and by the surrounding natural defences. For this reason the line of the gunners is interrupted by a real solemn portal that is not very useful for military tasks, but this portal makes the fort a very important monument to welcome people from the sea, also today.

PO DELTA (Pomposa – Ferrara – Mantova)

“From Chioggia, to Taglio di Po, Boccasette, Porto Tolle, Scardovari, Goro, Mesola, Ariano and back to Chioggia. With the possibility of detour toward Pomposa, Ferrara and Adria”.

-To bring or to rent: binoculars, compass, bicycles, small dinghy or small light rowing boat.

From the Rendez vous Fantasia base, situated along the bridge that connects the nice fishing Port of Chioggia and the seaside resort of Sottomarina, leave towards the north and the west of the town.

Following the canal coasting the east side of Chioggia (the wholesale fish market is on your left), you will reach the large water surface inside the port opening, the inlet lagoon-sea more southern of Venice Lagoon.
In this open space navigation rules are not so clear; You have to be careful and pay attention to the boats coming from any direction.
Veer left immediately after the DAMA (sign of the entrance to the canal) and follow the “briccole” to reach the trading port canal. You will see a long protection bulkhead on the left side, it’s the Marina Sporting Club “Le Saline”, a good equipped private structure, very good for eventual stops (on payment).
The canal Lombardo Esterno will take You to the rivers; its name is due to the ancient river connection between the city of the Doges and the far away Lombardy. It brings you toward the rivers.
After the first loading dock, you will see on your left a bridge and a DAMA just in front of it, but on your right side, that shows you the canal up to the lock of Brondolo.
A detached port-area, the “Nuova Stazione Marittima Val da Rio”, is good visible on your left. After 400/500 meters, at the junction you must follow the left, and sail long the east bank of the trading port, there aren’t always “briccole” at the right side. The wharf finishes with a shipyard shortly before of the large bridge of the road s.s. Romea. Now a stretch brings you until the new lock of Brondolo (*), that it separates the South of the Lagoon from river Brenta. It opens when the pleasure boaters appear in front of it.
Cross the river, opposite to you there isthe entrance of channel Canale di Valle.
8.5 Kilometres ahead as far as the lock of Cavanella d’Adige Sinistra. (*) Just in front of the lock is situated the mooring place of a nice village: Cavanella. Here is possible to find grocer’s, bars and a restaurant.

Attention: To navigate under the bridges of Conche di Cavanella d’Adige Sinistra (left) e Cavanella d’Adige Destra (right) it requires an air tie at least 3 metres. You should go with sunshade closed. (*)

After the lock and having crossed the Adige river, right in front of you there is the lock of Cavanella d’Adige Destra (*).
After about 30 minutes of navigation you can find a good mooring on the left, 100 metres before the road bridge that leads to Adria/Loreo. In the neighbourhood you find a good fish restaurant.
Now you are on the channel Canale Po di Brondolo. After 6 km the channel flows into the Po di Levante. Navigate straight on for about 4,5 km in Po direction and after passing by on the right side the junction with channel Canal Bianco you will reach the lock Biconca di Volta Grimana. (*)
When the door of the lock is opened, you can admire the Po river. This river, the largest in Italy, with its impressive width and majesty!

Attention: Several rhomboidal signs will help you during your navigation. They are red and white colored, sometimes in horizontal and sometimes in vertical position. In the river, white or red buoys will signal you the safer ways (see the interpretations of the signs in the water map). When passing the bridges, point to the arch where a yellow rhombus is situated.
Along this river you have to be particularly careful to the detritus adrift; it can also be very big.

Start larboard (left), downstream and follow the river. After 3 kilometres you will find on the right bank the mooring of the town Taglio di Po. Bars, restaurants and various shops available.
Opposite to Taglio di Po, on the left bank, you will see the town of Porto Viro.
Continue downstream, pass the big bridge of the state road 309 “Romea” and then the two big wild islets. After something more than 10 km you see the Po di Gnocca on the right. Just 2 km more and your left is the Po di Maistra. They are two of the seven branches of the Po river.
The entree to the Po di Maistra (which creates the marvelous flat marshland that it coasts) is almost covered by the vegetation.

Attention: before to enter the Po di Maistra, take in consideration the velocity of the stream. The bridge that is situated a few meters, has an air tie-beam of 3 kilometres about. You can under pass this bridge with safety only with the zero hydrometric and with the lowered boat awning.

Attention: the navigation is guaranteed up to Boccasette. The draw-bridge in Boccasette is underground, so prevent you from proceeding. You have to plan the underpass of the bridge with the zero hydrometric, even for the return trip.

Passed through the arched bridge of Ca’ Venier, the river is particularly interesting. Thanks to its wild appearance and to its exuberant vegetation it looks like a tropical waterway.
You will meet several little islands and in its meanders; you will surely have the opportunity to see white egret or gray heron, cormorans, little hawks, mallards, teals and the black-winged stilt. Non-migratory or migratory birds populate the numerous sheet of salty water of little and silent inside lagoons. It’s a real naturalistic oasis, ideal to do bird watching.
Another public mooring place is on the left bank (mid-route). Navigating this watercourse, among marshes and reeds, you get near a swing bridge. It’s better to moor and to reach the small village of Boccasette on foot.
Navigate back to Porto Tolle and continue navigating on the main way, the Po di Venezia. In Cà Tiepolo (Porto Tolle) there is nevertheless an accessible bridge. Bars, shops and restaurants available.
Navigate more 8,5 Km downstream until on your right appears the Po delle Tolle: this is the branch of the Po you have to enter into.
Navigate along the Po delle Tolle towards the sea. You will find a mooring after few time at your right, before underpassing a bridge.
After 8,5 km you arrive at Scardovari, where you can find a small port. One more kilometer ahead and, on your left, you pass over the entrance of the channel Busa del Bastimento, keep the right and continue towards the south. Rushes and lagoon mark the landscape. You will find in Bonelli a mooring at your right. “Locanda da Renata” restaurant nearby (tel. +39 042689024, website , close on Wednesday).
Pay attention at the sandbank between Scardovari and Bonelli!
After 20 minutes you will find a swing bridge. (*) The operator will make the bridge swing at your sight, when you honk the horn.
Some pretty pontoon houses border the river.
Behind the swing bridge you will find the Marina Porto Barricata (with all the services) on the right. On the left bank, along a pontoon, you find an authorised mooring place. If you want to make a stop you are in the right place: the Bonelli’s beach is few step away from you.
The route becomes now exciting. The next stop towards Goro takes you in the Adriatic Sea for 10 km. It is possible to navigate the Adriatic just with good weather conditions. Good weather (without wind and waves) is indispensable. In case of Scirocco (wind from the south), the navigation is impossible (and forbidden).
Go out in the sea, keep the red post on your right and the green one on your left, follow the coast staying at least 500 m. and pointing towards the lighthouse of Goro, which is situated in the mouth of the homonym branch of the Po river.
If you want to stop here remember that to enter it is better to make a wide turn towards south/west to avoid the shallows.
Few metres from the entrance you can find the pontoon of Goro’s lighthouse (nice beach with bar/restaurant usually open only at lunch).
About 200 metres ahead, on your right side you will find another mooring place.
The Isola dell’Amore (Island of Love) is the first land before flowing into the sea. Navigating inside a little creek visible on the left you can reach the private mooring place of the lighthouse. Is possible to hike on a flat boat in the middle of the Delta with the owner of the restaurant or have a walk alone or with a naturalistic guide along a 7 km-itinerary among the flora and fauna of this suggestive environment, it will be an unforgettable and unique opportunity.
Navigating against current, on the left bank there is the little town of Goro Ferrarese, small houses are parallel to the river. The bank is animated by all kinds of fishing and tourism craft. We advise the naturalistic bike itinerary that leaves from here to the lighthouse of Goro, just few kms to the east.

Attention: possible link to the appendix “PO DI VOLANO/POMPOSA”.

Going upstream in Po di Goro you will meet the little town of Gorino Veneto. Here there is a boat bridge (*) that you have to pass almost in its center. Pay attention and keep a security distance from the bridge to avoid the current of water to push you against the structure. Pass the bridge only when it is completely open. Immediately before, on your right, there is a restaurant with private mooring place.
Continue the navigation and get to Goro, fish village and centre of the Delta Padano.
This small town has a nice fish market and a quite big and unexpected fleet of fishing boats (they are moored on the side you are coasting). You can reach the port walking or by bicycle. The visit is warmly recommended as also we recommend to taste the local meals in the various restaurants not far from there. (for example the restaurant “Ferrari” tel. +39 0533 996546, website , closed on Wednesday).

The Mesola Castle, and it’s mole, are already visible from far away. A public mooring is just there in front. S. Basilio is the next mooring, in the middle of the countryside.
The town of Ariano (agricultural centre of Basso Polesine) is not far away. After the bridge on the left, there is a mooring place. The town is just behind the bank.
In short you you’ll see another public mooring place, the one of Santa Maria in Punta, excellent place to stop and go on excursion by bicycle. Return up to the Po Grande, watercourse that you left behind you several engine hours ago. Look for the special signs regulating the navigation in this river.
Not too far away, going still upstream, you find two mooring places: on the right side the one of Papozze, on the left side the one of Serravalle.

Attention: possible link to the appendix “FERRARA”.

To come back to Chioggia carry on downstream, before an island which shape looks like a quarter of the moon and you will see a mooring place, which is equipped for the wels catfish fishing.
Continue the navigation downstream on the Po Grande, and after little more of 10 km at left there is the bay Biconca of Volta Grimana that you had crossed on the outward voyage (remember to call for the opening) (*).
If you are looking for a last stop for the night, before finding the canals that lead to Chioggia, you will find to 3 km on the valley, the left bank, the small dock “Po di Venezia” in Porto Viro or the mooring of Taglio di Po on the right bank.

Attention: possible link to the appendix “ADRIA”.

Come back to Chioggia (same of the outward voyage) along the canals Brondolo, Valle e Lombardo (*) up to the base Rendez Vous Fantasia.
To get there, after passing the lock of Brondolo, navigate along the briccole until the Dama (particular kind of bollard, composed by several piles together; one of them is 70 cm higher than the others) and as soon as you see the church and its bell tower, look for the entrance to the canal (marked by a dama).
Leave the church and Chioggia on your right and sail along the canal. It bends twice and there in front of you is Isola dell’Unione, the first base of Rendez vous Fantasia.
Have a safe trip and goodbye!

(*) Consultare gli orari e i numeri telefonici aggiornati nella sezione “Chiuse e Ponti Mobili”

Appendix Po di Volano/Pomposa

When you arrive by sea or by ground, to Gorino Ferrarese you can take a pleasant detour/diversion.
There is, in the extreme south of the village, close to the Harbour, the right bank, a lock (*) that you can enter in the Sacca di Goro.
From here, along the harbour, holding posts (mede) at 5 m, on your left, you’re short at the junction with the canal on the right takes you to the entrance of the Harbour, and to the left (always taking stakes in 5/7 meters on your left), passing between mussel nurseries, brings in about 30 minutes on the crossing with the channel which in turn left (keeping the briccole right) takes you to the sea; right (holding the briccole left), takes you to the entrance of the Po di Volano and the port of Goro.
In the port you can stop at the Marina di Goro, which is equipped with all facilities (toilets, 220V power, water, a bar and a restaurant). Tel. +39 3926656407.
The two DAME (posts group) that indicate the input of the Po di Volano are approximately 300 metres. Turn and continue your navigation more or less keeping the center of the channel.
Attention: it is better to navigate with an observer placed on bow and a reduced engine speed.
Up the Po di Volano for about 2 km, after the bridge, find a private leisure facility with several moorings, including for boats in transit, water, energy, fuel, electricity 220, various services (Nautica Mondo, tel.+39 0533355209). We recommend that you move on because our intent/suggestion is to bring you to moor, in about another hour of navigation, at Passo Pomposa, tel. +39 0533 719131.
This place offers free mooring for customers who benefit from the restaurant. But above all from here, only a 10-minute walk, you will arrive to visit the splendid Benedictine Abbey of Pomposa, dating back to the 9th century. Mrs. Agnese and his son Mattia will be happy to provide you information and, if necessary, arrange for bicycles, also a path that can lead up to Bosco della Mesola (10 km away).
Sailing backwards, at the exit of the Po di Volano, you have the opportunity to choose whether to redo the same path and overcome the lock of Gorino, or drive along the Lido di Volano to your right to divert subsequently left once you arrive on the sea. Beaches and coasts must be kept at a safe distance, minimum 500 metres to avoid people and shallows.

Appendix Ferrara

From the moorings of Papozze e Serravalle it take about 6 hours to get to the lock of Pontelagoscuro * (do not forget to book the opening!).
A nice mooring can be found immediately after the lock in the widening on your left. Now you are in Emilia Romagna. To get to marina San Paolo, a stone’s throw from the center of Ferrara, it takes about 60 minutes. Cruise all along the long straight and, at the junction turn left (attention by the intersection, on the left, shallow waters). The marina is on the left, just after the fourth bridge. This marina was quite important in the 90s, but then it has been gradually forgotten and now turns out to be in disuse. If you wish you can contact, one day before your arrival in Ferrara, Mr. Georg calling the n. 0039 3282161442. He will help you gladly with refilling your water tank, electricity and the possibility of mooring for a contribution of 30.00 €.
Plan at least one day to visit Ferrara. It is an elegant Renaissance town, with a very good quality of life. In the town center, cycling is the main means of transportation. Do not miss a visit to: the Estense Castle, the cathedral and the Palazzo dei Diamanti.
Tasting a glass of wine on the terrace of a café in Piazza Trento and Trieste is a must!
Plan the departure from the City of the “Estensi” in order to get to the lock for the opening of the early afternoon of the next day (reservation 24 hours before). You are now 56 km upstream from the lock Biconca di Volta Grimana.
The Po welcomes you again with its majestic power. Cruise downstream keeping the right at the exit of the lock, to slip slowly, pleasantly carried by the current. It is rare to meet other boats. The current creates numerous sandbars. Lush vegetation along the river banks. Each village has its own mooring place and invites to a stop.
39 Km after the lock of Pontelagoscuro the Po di Goro flows into the river Po. Just before, on the right, you’ll find the well-equipped mooring of Serravalle. Your seventh stop. Infrastructures available. Here you can meet many Germans and Austrians with their boats, all fans of catfish. The homonymous village is close to the dock.
Stay on the main waterway, the Po di Venezia. 

Appendix Adria

After one hour of navigation on your right, before the showy ‘Vittoria’ Shipyards, you find the private mooring of the Fire Brigade and immediately after a mooring of the Delta Po Boat Club. (Do not continue on the canal to the right, shallow waters!).
Continue on your left passing in front of the Boatyard and just 3 minutes more and you find the public mooring (recommended). It is very close to the National Archaeological Museum, to all the services and attractions that the beautiful town offers.

The Po Delta Park
The Po, known in past times as the Eridano, is Italy’s longest river. It measures 652 km in length, has an average capacity of 1,500 m3 (as measured at the height of Ferrara), and a drainage basin measuring approximately 75,000 km2.

One of the main characteristics of the Po is its delta, a landscape in constant transformation due to its typical lobed shape caused by the accumulation of sediments. This large river flows through a variety of different habitats. The final stretch is typical of water courses found in flat areas: the river is shallow, the water warm and slow-flowing; vegetation is abundant; the river bed is muddy and subject to a wide range of habitats. The main indigenous fish varieties found in these habitats are: carps, rudds, bleaks, eels, roaches, nases, common barbels, and royal perches. These waters’ predator par excellence was the pike until the increasingly numerous wels catfish, a Central European species, found in the Po an extremely favourable environment in which to grow and reproduce. There are also numerous fish varieties introduced in the Po in ancient times, among them: the crucian (a fish highly resistant to temperature changes and to pollution), the sunfish, the largemouth bass, and the catfish (an active nocturnal riverbed predator). The Po also hosts fish that migrate seasonally to salty habitats for food, but which then return upstream for reproduction purposes.


Among these are the twaite shad (a species whose sexually mature adults migrate in the spring to reach their zone of reproduction in the middle stretch of the Po and its effluents), and the Adriatic sturgeon, which likewise migrates from the sea to the river in order to complete its reproductive cycle. The great decrease in the numbers of these two species is due to the dams that have been built along the river, which interrupt the fish’s journey and therefore do not permit them to reach their reproduction zones, and to the serious environmental degradation that has taken place in the last decade. Pollution has particularly affected the population of sturgeons, a species whose morphological characteristics permit us to define it as a real living fossil.
Moreover, the progressive degradation of the Po is profoundly changing the extant relationship between the river and the human population of the surrounding areas: professional fishers are abandoning the river because they can no longer make a living from it, and even non-professional fishers are turning to drainage canals or, in some cases, to private lakes where they must pay a fee but where they have a higher chance of catching fish. Not to mention the tourists and bathers who once came numerous to the river’s shores in search of respite from the sultry summer heat but whom it is increasingly difficult to spot.


This great river of ours and its amazing delta represent an immeasurably precious natural, cultural, and social heritage, a whole ecosystem to be protected and preserved. The “park”, currently still under definition, is certainly a step in the right direction for the protection of this precious environment.

Parco Delta del Po_Airone cinerino

The delta territory that extends towards the Adriatic Sea through the numerous branches and canals of the Great River is, today, part of the law-protected national heritage of Italy, in which water, flora and fauna live together in a delicate equilibrium. ‘ Entering into contact for the first time with this territory is like living a primeval experience, a unique sensation, an onslaught of true emotion! One’s gaze widens in the search of an undefined horizon; the blue of the sky fades towards the mouth of the Delta, towards the sea. The greenery of the woods that we left behind in the hinterland is no longer visible; the only sounds we can hear now are the blowing of the wind, the cackling of sea-gulls that, with the egrets, the herons, the cormorants, the bitterns, the nycticorax, the stilt-birds and, no less, the pink flamingos, are the true protagonists of this exclusive ambient that is the Veneto Park of the Po Delta.


The suggestive “Via delle Valli”, or Way of the Valleys, unwinds just before we get to Rosolina Mare. The Via delle Valli gives us the chance to admire the characteristic environments of the Delta: the high-water beds, the lagoons, the fish farms, including those of the famous eel, the fishing valleys with the characteristic “cavane” (typical boat shelters) built on pile-dwellings and, last but not least, the “casoni di valle”, (valley sheds), from among which the splendid and well-preserved Casone Venier, symbol of the Po valley, stands out.

6castello Mesola

Mesola Castle
It was the last of the so-called “delizie” (delights) of the Este family. It was meant to provide hospitality for the court during the hunting season, but the entire complex was surrounded by fortification walls with towers. The castle, which stood on the western side of the entire complex, still dominates the village with its four elegant-shaped towers. The main building is surrounded by low service buildings gathered into a semi-circle, which outline the courtyard. Nowadays the castle is used as the seat of the Municipal Library and the Historic Archive. In the Civic Art Gallery important exhibitions of contemporary art take place every year. The Museum of the Wood and Deer of Mesola is located in the castle.


Pomposa Abbey
The church was founded in the 6th century A.D. and from the middle of the 9th century the first community of Benedictine monks began to form, reaching its peak after the year 1000, when the Abbot’s spiritual and political jurisdiction extended over all the surrounding villages. A true lighthouse of culture, Pomposa had one of the most extensively libraries of the time. Among the personalities that made it so famous were the saint and abbot Guido degli Strambiati and Guido da Pomposa (known by the name of Guido d’Arezzo), inventor of the modern musical notation. In front there is the Palazzo della Ragione, from which the abbot administered justice in his feuds. As the building did not have religious functions, it was detached from the others.

8interno Pomposa

Sacca of Goro
It is very suitable for mussel farming, with an average depth of 60-70 cm, and a maximum of only 2 m. at its deepest points, especially clams (which are celebrated each year with a festival the “Clam Festival”).
It owes its formation to the changes in the mouths of the Po di Goro and the Po della Gnocca, to marine currents, to formations of reed beds, and to artificial works to assist navigation between the mouths of the river and the various coastal inlets. The fauna includes many species of water birds, either nesting, like the red heron, or in transit, like the marsh harrier and the grebe. The marine life – in addition to the cultivated mussels – consists of oysters, grey mullet, eels, bream and bass.
Along the coast line there is a long strip of sand locally called “scanno” better known al “Island of Love”.


MANTUA, the Gonzaga town – FERRARA, the Estensi town
Sailing three regions (Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Lombardia)

“Chioggia, Adria, Zelo, Governolo, Mantova, Castelmassa, Ferrara, Serravalle, (Boccasette) and return to Chioggia”.

It will be mostly a navigation in complete solitude, through waterways that are not well infrastructured, but rich in fauna and flora. You will have to carry out the advice almost to the letter to maximize a successful outcome of this trip. Taking initiative and being practical are helpful.
Cruising along this route, sometimes straight, may seem boring to some of you, but we assure you that once you arrive on the Mincio, the lakes and Mantua, you will find it is worth it.
Backwards, navigating the Po, solitude will be less. In fact, the great river offers more mooring possibilities and you will meet lovers of the river and fishing, always happy to toast with a glass of wine.
Bicycle use is recommended to reach small villages, shops and trattorias.
We advise, as a precaution, to lower the awning passing under the bridges.

The circuit takes about 40/45 hours of navigation (Km 345, 17 locks). A holiday of 9/10 days will allow you to better mark the stops of your journey.
To bring with or hire on the spot:
• essential: binoculars;
recommended: bicycles, rubber dinghy or light rowing boat.

From the base Rendez vous Fantasia, located on the bridge that connects the lovely fishing port of Chioggia and the seaside resort of Sottomarina, cruise towards the North and West of the town to reach the ‘Canal Lombardo’ that goes southbound to the double lock ‘Conca di Brondolo’, which separates the south of the lagoon from the river Brenta.
Pleasure boats normally use the lock on your left (this rule is guilty also for the locks in Cavanella D’Adige left and right).
Cross the river; in front of you the entrance to the Canale di Valle.
8,5 kilometres more to the lock ‘Conca di Cavanella d’Adige Sinistra’. Just in front of the lock is the mooring pier of a nice village: Cavanella. Here you can find grocery stores, bars and a restaurant.

Attention: under the bridges of Cavanella D’Adige Sinistra (left) and Cavanella D’Adige Destra (right) keep a headroom of at least 3 metres. It is advisable to lower the bimini top.

All eight locks from Brondolo to Travenzuolo are operated in video-assistance by the Cavanella Sinistra operations centre, please consult the section “Locks and Swing Bridges”.
In front of the lock and after the crossing of the River Adige is the lock ‘Conca di Cavanella d’Adige Destra’.
After about 30 minutes of navigation, you can find a good mooring on the left, 100 meters before the road bridge that leads to Adria / Loreo. A good seafood restaurant is nearby.
In front of the lock, just after the crossing of River Adige, there is the lock Cavanella d’Adige Destra.
You are now on the canal ‘Po di Brondolo’. After 6 km, the canal goes left into the ‘Po di Levante’. Navigate straight for about 4 km in the direction of the Po, 500 m, in the distance, in front of you, you will see the lock ‘Biconca di Volta Grimana’. Take the first junction on your right, towards Mantua. You have already navigated for 125 km.
You have already cruised for about 3 hours. Still 35 minutes and you arrive to Adria. First real stop on this trip, also recommended to spend the night. On your right, before the showy ‘Vittoria’ Shipyards, you find the private mooring of the Fire Brigade and immediately after a mooring of the Delta Po Boat Club. (Do not continue on the canal to the right, shallow waters!).
Continue on your left passing in front of the Boatyard and just 3 minutes more and you find the public mooring (recommended). It is very close to the National Archaeological Museum, to all the services and attractions that the beautiful town offers.
The next mooring, almost in the open country, appears on your right, immediately after passing the Baricetta lock (around 35 minutes).
After another hour and a half of navigation, you pass in front of the logistic centre ‘Interporto di Rovigo’, in case of need you can stop in the external side, paying attention to the shallow depths (Call Mr. Nino at the +393404932633. Leave a tip, if you like). Given its peripheral location, and the distance from services, such as supermarkets or restaurants, we recommend going further.
You can reach the small private marina of Porto Bussari (here you can find water and electricity facilities, call from Tuesday to Saturday the +390425465124) and the public mooring of Bosaro in only 30 minutes of navigation (both recommended). They are located just 2 km from Arquà Polesine, small town of Roman origin.

In 30 minutes you overtake the lock of Bussari and in about 40 minutes you arrive at the next mooring in Pizzon. This mooring is the ideal stopping point for a short bike ride to Fratta Polesine (3 km). The town boasts the “Badoera” the perfect Palladian villa built in 1554, the “Archaeological Museum of Frattesina” on the Paleovenetian civilization and the street of amber.

You will find the next dock on your left after just an hour of navigation. The village of Castelguglielmo is near. 40 minutes of navigation and you will pass through the lock of Canda. It will still take 50 minutes to get to the second real recommended stop, Zelo.
It’s true, starting from Adria, the 6 hours and more of navigation can be too many. It is also true, however, that by doing that, you can count on arriving the next day to pass the Governolo lock: the last diaphragm that separates you from the lakes of Mantua. From Zelo to Governolo it takes just 5 hours of navigation, including the passage of the Torretta locks (about an hour), Trevenzuolo lock (about 130 minutes), San Leone lock (about 100 minutes), Governolo lock (about 40 minutes). Take the opening timetable of the last 2 locks and the few possible moorings into consideration.
In Zelo, a beautiful town along the canal, you will find a nice dock on your left, immediately after an ancient arch bridge, made of stone and dated back to the Habsburgs. This bridge restricts the river-bed creating a strong and unfavourable water current. Stop for the night and take advantage of the services it offers.
From now on, the most part of the route is quite straight and not too interesting; the banks of the canal are mostly paved and lapped by tufts of reeds and therefore difficult to approach. Try to reach the San Leone lock in the first afternoon (you find a nice mooring on your left, where you can stop and wait for the lock opening). The lock is impressive and the rise (change in water-level) is 4 meters. A few kilometers more and you are in Lombardy.
“When I sailed this route I crossed only three boats: near Adria a rubber boat of the Guard of Finance; before Bosaro, “the Ave Maria”, ship hotel support for bike tours; in the river Mincio the “River Queen” motorboat from Mantua used for daily tours.”
This little water traffic will give you the opportunity to find the few moorings almost always available.
Passed the San Leone lock you are on the Mincio, a few dozen meters from the river Po, that you leave on your left.
There is a completely different scenario: ‘the river’ with its high banks, lush vegetation, loops. In a few minutes you arrive by the Governolo lock; the river here widens to make room for the barrage on the left and the lock that you have to pass through, on the right.

Attention: the lock of Governolo has oblique banks (funnel-shaped), it is impossible approaching the edges of the lock.

Shortly before the lock, an equipped dock where you can fill the water tanks. After the lock, get ready to moor: this is the third recommended stop. You can find the mooring after a few tens of meters in a widening, to the right, almost in front of you. The homonym village is near and well served.
Now you are free to leave for Mantua without any hitch (except periods in which the river is in flood). You can navigate the naturalistic route in about 120 minutes. You will need 80 minutes to get to Vallazza then passing the siphon of Formigosa (opposite, on the left side of the canal). During the navigation, some fishermen on the low embankment and an appreciable number of birds species keep you company.
Crossing the Vallazza will be a real and pleasant relaxation, reduce the number of engine revolutions and enjoy the lush nature. It will seem to you that the lotus flowers, a real carpet, reach out to caress the boat.
On the left, at the beginning of this lake, a small nautical port. Towards the end of the lake, keep right and take the long tunnel in front of you.

porto catena

You are in the lower lake. Immediately on the left a private mooring, further a small port. You point straight, staying on the left, towards the entrance of the protected “Porto Catena”.
You can moor right opposite the entrance. On your arrival you can contact the number +393474858488. Water and electricity are available on request.


You are in the heart of Mantua. Fourth stop of your journey, the furthest from the base of Chioggia. Plan a visit to the city of the “Gonzagas”, the tourist office can be found within walking distance, on the main square Piazza Andrea Mantegna 6. Open everyday from 9 am to 13.30 and Monday – Friday from 14:30 to 17.
To be able to pass the Governolo lock in the morning you have to leave Mantua by 09:30 (remember to call the lock-keeper in advance); if you intend to overtake it in the afternoon, you still have a whole morning to enjoy Mantua.
In the first case, Castelmassa will be your fifth stop. In the second hypothesis, you must programme your stop according to the season and the hours of sunshine. In both cases Ferrara will be your sixth stop.
You have sailed the Mincio back and now you are in the middle of the river Po: the largest and most important river in Italy. It can be maximum 4km large. Pay attention to the navigation signage and respect it. You are in favour of the current, the boat could be more difficult to manage.
Remember: mooring manoeuvre against the current is much easier; the water tie is higher in the external ridge of the elbow of the loops; the white buoy must be kept to the left, the red to the right; the looming rhombs are above the banks; to underpass the bridges you have to point towards the arch where a yellow rhomb stands; you must navigate only with good visibility.
In presence of strong water current, fog or poor visibility, we advise to cruise the same route of the outward journey back to return to Chioggia. You can reach Ferrara from Bosaro by bus or by bike (about 20 km).
It will be a slalom of about 3 hours to get to the dock “Nautisport” in Castelmassa. The town centre is close to the river bank. Do not worry, if you prefer you can moor before or after it. In Felonica, for example, a little further on, you can either ask for hospitality to the Nautica Sermide (+393357414778), or to Folaga canotttieri, to find a free dock.
Sermide is a well-equipped village; the public dock is managed by a canoe club. You can dock and ask for water. The World War II Museum is worth seeing.

Attention: to get to Nautica Sermide, despite the signs, you can keep to the right of the islet, but do not go beyond the mooring, as to follow are dry areas. To resume navigation, therefore, make a U-turn back up slightly, to resume the Po, keeping the small island on your right, as reported.

Starting from Castelmassa it takes about 3 hours to get to the lock of Pontelagoscuro * (do not forget to book the opening!).
A nice mooring can be found immediately after the lock in the widening on your left. Now you are in Emilia Romagna. To get to marina San Paolo, a stone’s throw from the center of Ferrara, it takes about 60 minutes. Cruise all along the long straight and, at the junction turn left (attention by the intersection, on the left, shallow waters). The marina is on the left, just after the fourth bridge. This marina was quite important in the 90s, but then it has been gradually forgotten and now turns out to be in disuse. If you wish you can contact, two days before your arrival in Ferrara, Mr. Georg calling the n. 0039 3282161442. He will help you gladly with refilling your water tank, electricity and the possibility of mooring for a contribution of 30,00 €.
Plan at least one day to visit Ferrara. It is an elegant Renaissance town, with a very good quality of life. In the town center, cycling is the main means of transportation. Do not miss a visit to: the Estense Castle, the cathedral and the Palazzo dei Diamanti. Tasting a glass of wine on the terrace of a café in Piazza Trento and Trieste is a must!
Plan the departure from the City of the “Estensi” in order to get to the lock for the opening of the early afternoon of the next day (reservation 24 hours before). You are now 56 km upstream from the lock Biconca di Volta Grimana.
The Po welcomes you again with its majestic power. Cruise downstream keeping the right at the exit of the lock, to slip slowly, pleasantly carried by the current. It is rare to meet other boats. The current creates numerous sandbars. Lush vegetation along the river banks. Each village has its own mooring place and invites to a stop.
39 km after the lock of Pontelagoscuro the Po di Goro flows into the river Po. Just before, on the right, you’ll find the well-equipped mooring of Serravalle. Your seventh stop. Infrastructures available. Here you can meet many Germans and Austrians with their boats, all fans of catfish. The homonymous village is close to the dock.
Continue cruising for 17 km on the main canal, the Po of Venice. Welcome back to Veneto.
On the left you will find the lock Biconca di Volta Grimana and the Po di Brondolo, which will bring you back to Chioggia with the times of the outward journey. It will be your ninth and last night on the boat.
On the other hand, if you still have a day to spend, the eighth stop will be Boccasette, but it could also be Porto Levante or Albarella, easy to reach (consult the nautical chart).
Three kilometres downstream and the mooring of the village of Taglio di Po is on the right bank. Bars, restaurants and several shops are available.
A little further downstream, on the opposite side, on the left bank, you will find the town of Porto Viro.
Continue downstream, overtake the big bridge of the state road 309 “Romea” and you will see two big savage islets. Ten kms more and the Po di Gnocca appears on the right. Only 2 kms further, on the left, cross the Po di Maistra. These are just two of the seven branches of the Po. Almost hidden, among lush vegetation, the mouth of the Po di Maistra, the branch of the river, that creates the marvellous valleys that border it.

Attention: before turning into the Po di Maistra, take into consideration the water current speed. The bridge, few kms ahead, is just 3 metres high, and you can underpass it just with low water level (zero hydrometric maximum) and with lowered boat awning.

Attention: navigation is guaranteed up to Boccasette. It is not possible to pass the mobile bridge in Boccasette, because of sandbanks. Also in the back journey, remember to wait for the hydrometric zero to underpass that bridge.

The stretch of river after the arched bridge of Ca ‘Venier is particularly interesting. Wild-looking because of its lush vegetation, it looks like a tropical waterway. Several small islands along the way and you will not miss the opportunity to see white or grey herons, egrets, cormorants, hawks, mallards, ducks and black-winged stilt. Sedentary and migratory birds populate the numerous sheets of salty water, small and quite lagoons: real nature reserves, perfect for bird-watching.
A public mooring is on the left bank, nearing the halfway point. Cruise the river among marshes and reeds, you get to the bridge. We recommend to moor before the bridge and to walk to the small village ‘Boccasette’.
From Boccasette to Chioggia it takes approximately 6 hours of navigation.
We recommend to spend your last night in Chioggia. Remember You must leave the boat free by 09 am.
Thank you.

(*) Check the updated timetables and phone numbers in the “Locks and Swing Bridges” section.

The environmental and landscape peculiarities are what distinguish and differentiate the “stations” of the PO Delta Park: “homogeneous areas”, as defines the constitutive law. For all the common denominator is water, at varying degrees of salinity, has determined the origin of splendid natural environments.
And the water, beside the water, developed over the centuries all human activities related to fishing, agriculture, tradition, culture, art.
The extraordinary presence of birds, with over 300 species among wintering or nesting step along with some mammals, such as the “deer of the dunes” of Bosco della Mesola, constitutes a wealth of fauna of high value. Like all green elements of the park such as lowland forests or hygrophilous, pine forests and dunes represent the heritage of Po Delta.
The flora Park contains within it the environmental, artistic, naturalistic extraordinary of what there is around the Delta of the Po.
A historical Delta town but also the very active Delta now.


Adria, an Etruscan city, and the city that gave its name to the Adriatic Sea.
Do not miss a visit to the National Archaeological Museum, where they are currently preserved important finds of Etruscan and Roman times. Also worth visiting are the Church of Santa Maria Assunta della Tomba and the Cathedral.

fratta polesine

Arriving at Fratta Polesine, city in 20 km from Rovigo, you feel you have been transported to another era.
The Centre is dotted with ancient aristocratic houses that stand out in contrast with the surrounding agricultural landscape.

We recommend a visit to the beautiful Villa Badoer, the only UNESCO site in the province of Rovigo, built by Andrea Palladio in 1556. It is the core architecture on which it was built the Centre of Fratta Polesine.
The Villa stands out for its Visual dominance over the surrounding landscape, as elevated above the ground level, having been built on a foundation of stone in order to protect it from possible flooding of rivers and amplify the impact.
The Villa stands out for its Visual dominance over the surrounding landscape, as elevated above the ground level, having been built on a foundation of stone in order to protect it from possible flooding of rivers and amplify the impact.

villa badoer

The lakes of Mantua.
The geological and paleoenvironmental data indicate that, during the ancient Bronze Age (about 1800 BC) along the river Mincio, there was a lake of natural origin. However the nowadays structure of the Mantova lakes was artificially created in 1190 by a Bergamo engineer. Being these ancient hydraulic engineering monuments more than eight centuries old, people are led to think that the lakes of Mantua are also “natural lakes” rather than artificial river barriers. The lakes of Mantova since 1984 are part of the Parco del Mincio.


Mantua, town of Gonzaga.
Mantua is a city surrounded by 3 artificial lakes and located in the italian region of Lombardia. It is known as one of the richest capitals of the Italian Renaissance. During the Gonzaga’s reign, the city experienced enormous artistic and architectural development, which makes it one of the most beautiful Italian cities.

Countless are the points of interest: St George’s Castle, Piazza Sordello (heart of Mantova Renaissance), the Doge’s Palace (residence of the Gonzaga), Mantua Cathedral (Cattedrale di San Pietro), Piazza Erbe and the palazzo della Ragione, the clock tower, and more.


In Castelmassa the course of the river Po widens, leaving space for large floodplains cultivated in poplar groves and a thousand-year-old island covered by dense vegetation.
The artisan production and the corn processing industry are the engines of the local economy, still linked to the rural tradition.
Among the numerous local events we should mention the ancient Fiera di S. Martino, that takes place on the second Sunday of November. On this occasion, you can taste the “Pane di S. Martino”, a special type of bread prepared with chestnut flour, corn flour, brewer’s yeast and walnuts or the traditional basket steamed chestnuts.


The rural municipality of Sermide and Felonica hosts some little-known but equally worthy points of interest, like the World War II Museum of the Po River in Felonica and the protected natural oasis of the Gruccione Park in Sermide, which owes its name to the particular presence of the Gruccione, a colorful species of birds.


Ferrara is an elegant Renaissance City. Walking through the streets of Ferrara, every single corner will make you rediscover its glorious past.

The House of Este ruled over the city for three centuries and gave it the appearance it still preserves: a unique urban plan that harmoniously blends the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and makes Ferrara the first modern city in Europe. All these characteristics earned Ferrara the recognition as a UNESCO World Heritage.

It is a silent city, on a human scale, to be traveled on foot or by bicycle, reliving at each step magical atmospheres of the past.


Not to be missed: Estense Castle, Palazzo della Ragione, the Cathedral and Palazzo dei Diamanti and the Cathedral of San Giorgio. The walls of Ferrara are long roughly 9 km and have remained fairly unchanged their conditions leading to the present day as they arose in the middle ages.
A must-do: taste a glass of wine on the terrace of a café in Piazza Trento e Trieste!



DIPORTO VELICO VENEZIANO: tel. (+39) 041 5231927
Boat until meters 9 = € 40,00 + € 4,00 per person
Boat until meters 10 = € 43,00 + € 4,00 per person
Boat until meters 11 = € 50,00 + € 4,00 per person
Boat until meters 12 = € 55,00 + € 4,00 per person
Boat until meters 13 = € 60,00 + € 4,00 per person

MARINA S. ELENA: tel. (+39) 041 5202675 / 340 5991459
Boat until meters 10 = € 95,00 *
Boat until meters 12 = € 105,00 *
Boat until meters 15 = € 125,00 *
* prices may vary in the following periods: Biennale; Redentore; Mostra del Cinema.

Island of San Giorgio

DARSENA S. GIORGIO (Compagnia della Vela): tel. (+39) 3394787488
Boat until meters 9 = € 50,00 *
Boat until meters 10 = € 60,00 *
Boat until meters 12 = € 70,00 *
Boat over meters 12 = € 80,00 *
* for the night of the Redentore the rates are increased by 100%
* (-10% from the 3rd Sunday of July to the 3rd Sunday of August inclusive)


MARINA SERENELLA: tel. (+39) 041 736984
Boat between 9 – 15 m. = € 60,00


MARINA FIORITA: tel. (+39) 041.5301478
Boat between 9-15 m. = € 85,00 + € 0,75 per person


MARINA DEL FARO: tel. (+39) 041968076
Boat between 9 – 15 m. = € 50,00

MARINA DEL CAVALLINO: tel. (+39) 041968045
Boat until meters 9 = € 46,20 + € 0,75 per person
Boat until meters 10 = € 50,60 + € 0,75 per person
Boat until meters 11 = € 61,60 + € 0,75 per person
Boat until meters 12 = € 69,30 + € 0,75 per person
Boat until meters 13 = € 75,90 + € 0,75 per person


PORTO TURISTICO DI JESOLO: tel. (+39) 0421.971488
Boat until meters 9 = € 66,00 + € 1 per person
Boat until meters 10 = € 72,60 + € 1 per person
Boat until meters 11 = € 80,30 + € 1 per person
Boat until meters 12 = € 90,20 + € 1 per person
Boat until meters 13 = € 97,90 + € 1 per person


MARINA DI CORTELLAZZO: tel. (+39) 0421.980356
Boat until meters 10 = € 60,00
Boat until meters 11 = € 75,00
Boat until meters 12 = € 85,00
Boat until meters 13 = € 95,00
Boat until meters 14 = € 105,00


MARINA DI PORTOMARAN: tel. (+39) 043167409
Boat until meters 9,5 = € 49,00
Boat until meters 10,5 = € 55,00
Boat until meters 11,5 = € 60,00
Boat until meters 12,5 = € 66,00
Boat until meters 13,5 = € 71,00

Indicating daily rates subject to price variation.


Lock of Cavallino

Every day opened, call 15 minutes before
Opening hours: 08.00 – 21.00
📞 (0039) 0418306862

Swing bridge 'San Giovanni' and 'della Vittoria' of Jesolo

☀from the 15th April to the 30th September
Every day, opening on request 15 minutes before the arrival
Opening hours: 08.00-11.30 / 15.00-18.30
Friday mornings closed from 01 June to 15 September
📞 Morning (Monday-Saturday): (0039) 0421352311 (Municipality)
📞 Afternoon (Monday-Saturday): (0039) 0421359190 * (Police)
📞 Sunday and holidays: (0039) 0421359190 * (Police)
*wait until the answering machine finish talking and you can speak with an operator.
❄from the 1st October to the 14th April
From Monday to Saturday, opening on request 15 minutes before the arrival
Opening hours: 08.00-11.30 / 13.00-17.00
closed on Sunday and holidays
📞 Morning (Monday-Saturday): (0039) 0421352311 (Municipality)
📞 Afternoon (Monday-Saturday): (0039) 0421359190 * (Police)
*wait until the answering machine finish talking and you can speak with an operator. 

Swing bridge of Caposile

Every day at 9.00 – 10.30 – 14.00 – 15.30 – 17.00 and 18.40
call at least 24 hours before
📞 (0039) 3495705282 / (0039) 0421592230 (Police) / (0039) 04215921 (Municipality)

Lock of Portegrandi

Every day
Opening hours: 08.30 – 12.30 / 14.00 – 19.00
📞 (0039) 3486485756

Swing bridge Ca'Savio

Closed for maintenance

Lock of Intestadura (Musile di Piave)

Opening on request 2-3 days before (except Piave’s low or high water events)
📞 (0039) 0418306862

Swing boats bridge of Cortellazzo

Every day
Opening hours: 08.00 – 18.00
(Keep the boat at a good distance from the bridge (about 50 meters) and blow the horn 3 times)
📞 (0039) 3483154166 / (0039) 0421352311

Swing bridge 'Spano' of Jesolo (canal Cavetta)

☀from the 15th April to the 30th September
Every day, opening on request 15 minutes before the arrival
Opening hours: 08.00-11.30 / 15.00-18.30
Friday mornings closed from 01 June to 15 September
📞 Morning (Monday-Saturday): (0039) 0421352311 (Municipality)
📞 Afternoon (Monday-Saturday): (0039) 0421359190 * (Police)
📞 Sunday and holidays: (0039) 0421359190 * (Police)
*wait until the answering machine finish talking and you can speak with an operator.
❄from the 1st October to the 14th April
From Monday to Saturday, opening on request 15 minutes before the arrival
Opening hours: 08.00-11.30 / 13.00-17.00
closed on Sunday and holidays
📞 Morning (Monday-Saturday): (0039) 0421352311 (Municipality)
📞 Afternoon (Monday-Saturday): (0039) 0421359190 * (Police)
*wait until the answering machine finish talking and you can speak with an operator. 

Swing bridge 'Cavetta' (canal Cavetta)

Opening on request at least 48 hours before by email to

Lock of Cortellazzo (canal Cavetta)

Always opened (except Piave’s low or high water events)

Swing bridge 'di Cortellazzo' (canal Cavetta)

☀from the 15th April to the 30th September
Every day, opening on request 15 minutes before the arrival
Opening hours: 08.00-11.30 / 15.00-18.30
Friday mornings closed from 01 June to 15 September
📞 Morning (Monday-Saturday): (0039) 0421352311 (Municipality)
📞 Afternoon (Monday-Saturday): (0039) 0421359190 * (Police)
📞 Sunday and holidays: (0039) 0421359190 * (Police)
*wait until the answering machine finish talking and you can speak with an operator.
❄from the 1st October to the 14th April
From Monday to Saturday, opening on request 15 minutes before the arrival
Opening hours: 08.00-11.30 / 13.00-17.00
closed on Sunday and holidays
📞 Morning (Monday-Saturday): (0039) 0421352311 (Municipality)
📞 Afternoon (Monday-Saturday): (0039) 0421359190 * (Police)
*wait until the answering machine finish talking and you can speak with an operator. 

Lock of Revedoli

Always opened (except Piave’s low or high water events)

Swing bridge of Torre di Fine

Every day, opening on request 1 hour before the arrival
Opening hours: 10.00 – 12.00 / 14.00 – 16.00
📞 Bridge operator: (0039) 335220353
📞 Municipality of Eraclea: (0039) 0421234252

Swing bridge of Caorle

From Monday to Friday, opening on request 15 minutes before the arrival
Opening at 9.00 – 11.00 – 14.30 – 16.30 and 18.00
Saturday, Sunday and holidays, opening on request 15 minutes before the arrival
Opening at 9.00 – 11.00 – 14.30 and 16.30
📞 (0039) 3519982620
(keep the right distance from the bridge, about 50 meters)

Lock of Bevazzana destra

Closed due to work in progress
(except Tagliamento’s low or high water events)

Lock and Swing bridge of Bevazzana sinistra

☀from the 01st May to the 15th September
Every day, except Tagliamento’s low or high water events
opening on request 10 minutes before the arrival
Opening hours: 10.00-13.00 / 14.00-18.00
📞 (0039) 3491536346 / (0039) 043153506
❄from the 16th September to the 30th April
Every day, except Tagliamento’s low or high water events
opening on request 30 minutes before the arrival
Opening hours: 10.00-13.00 / 15.00-17.00
📞 (0039) 3491536346 / (0039) 043153506  


Lock of Moranzani

Everyday, call when you arrive in front of the lock
24 hours service
📞 (0039) 0418306862 / (0039) 3299720393

Swing bridge of Malcontenta

From Tuesday to Sunday, opening on request 1 day before the arrival
Closed on Monday (the Holiday’s Mondays the service is operative)
Opening hours: 09.00-12.00 / 13.00-17.00
📞 (0039) 3428056791

Swing bridges of Malcontenta and Mira

From Tuesday to Sunday, opening on request 1 day before the arrival
Closed on Monday (the Holiday’s Mondays the service is operative)
Opening hours: 09.00-12.00 / 13.00-17.00
📞 (0039) 3428056791

Lock of Mira Porte

Everyday, call when you arrive in front of the lock
24 hours service
📞 (0039) 0418306862 / (0039) 3299720393

Lock of Dolo

Everyday, call when you arrive in front of the lock
24 hours service
📞 (0039) 0418306862 / (0039) 3299720393

Swing bridge 'Casello 12' of Dolo

From Tuesday to Sunday, opening on request 1 day before the arrival
Closed on Monday (the Holiday’s Mondays the service is operative)
Opening hours: 09.00-12.00 / 13.00-17.00
📞 (0039) 3279482229

Lock of Stra

From Tuesday to Sunday, call 1 day before
Closed on Monday (the Holiday’s Mondays the service is operative)
Opening hours: 08.00 – 19.00
📞 (0039) 3480990296

Lock of Noventa Padovana

From Tuesday to Sunday, call 1 day before
Closed on Monday (the Holiday’s Mondays the service is operative)
Opening hours: 08.00 – 19.00
📞 (0039) 3480990296

Motonave 'Il Burchiello'

From March to October
– in transit from Venice to Padua every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday (at 08.50 Venice).
– in transit from Padua to Venice every Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday (at 08.00 Padua).


Lock of Brondolo

Every day, opening on request 1 hour before the arrival
24 hours service
📞 (0039) 0418306862 / (0039) 3299720397

Lock of Cavanella argine sinistro

Every day, opening on request 1 hour before the arrival
24 hours service
📞 (0039) 0418306862 / (0039) 3299720397

Lock of Cavanella argine destro

Every day, opening on request 1 hour before the arrival
24 hours service
📞 (0039) 0418306862 / (0039) 3299720397

Lock Biconca of Volta Grimana

Every day, opening on request 1 hour before the arrival
24 hours service
📞 (0039) 0418306862 / (0039) 3299720397

Lock of Gorino Ferrarese

always opened (except Po’s low or high water events)
If closed, call the association Marinai of Gorino, Mr. Paesanti tel. (0039) 3331370197

Swing boats bridge of Santa Giulia

It is not recommended to pass
Every day, opening on request 24 hours before the arrival
24 hours service
📞 (0039) 3924151923 Livio

Swing boats bridge of Gorino

Every day, opening on request 30 minutes before the arrival
24 hours service
📞 (0039) 3924151923 Livio

Swing bridge of Porto Barricata

Every day, open at sight

Swing bridge of Valle Lepri

Closed for maintenance
📞 (0039) 053357165

Lock of Valle Lepri

Closed for maintenance 

Lock of Valpagliaro

Closed due to work in progress
From Monday to Friday* (except Po’s low or high water events)
* Opening on request at least 24 hours before the arrival, call the operator only from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 12 am
📞 (0039) 3396818695 / (0039) 0532218865 / (0039) 0532218811

Lock of Pontelagoscuro

Closed due to work in progress
From Monday to Friday* (except Po’s low or high water events)
* Opening on request at least 4 days before by email to
Opening hours: 08.00 – 18.00

Lock of Baricetta

Every day, opening on request 1 hour before the arrival
24 hours service
📞 (0039) 0418306862 / (0039) 3299720397

Lock of Bussari

Every day, opening on request 1 hour before the arrival
24 hours service
📞 (0039) 0418306862 / (0039) 3299720397

Lock of Canda

Every day, opening on request 1 hour before the arrival
24 hours service
📞 (0039) 0418306862 / (0039) 3299720397

Lock of Torretta Veneta

Every day, opening on request 1 hour before the arrival
24 hours service
📞 (0039) 0418306862 / (0039) 3299720397

Lock of Trevenzuolo

Every day, opening on request 1 hour before the arrival
24 hours service
📞 (0039) 0418306862 / (0039) 3299720397

Lock of San Leone

Every day, opening on request 24 hours before the arrival
Opening hours: 07.30 – 19.30
📞 (0039) 3391962789

Lock of Governolo

Every day, opening on request 24 hours before the arrival
Opening hours: 07.30 – 19.30
📞 (0039) 3391962789

Lock of Valdaro

Every day, opening on request 24 hours before the arrival
Opening hours: 07.30 – 19.30
📞 (0039) 3391962789

User: Vodafone
Password: CharterBoat86


Marea Chioggia
Marea Venezia

Linea 13: Vignole – Venezia – Murano
Altre linee